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Whos completed all the GMC challenges


GMC Challenge  

30 members have voted

  1. 1. Have you Completed all the GMC Challenges>

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    • No
    • Yes and all the bonus challenges
    • I hate GMC
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Hi everyone, just wondering who's completed all the challenges for GMC, ive completed all of them and the bonus challenges :D :D so hopefully ill get the best trophy, hope TNT don't penalize me because i started the challenge a day late, would of done it from day one but the wireless was being installed in my accommodation so had no internet :(



Also what prizes are you hoping for?, im with team brain which looks like its gonna win unless a massive flood new people come onto team brawns side and do everything, i hope theres an avatar as im a massive avvie hunter or maybe some bd equipment to help me with defenders of neopia or brain wearables.


btw i heard they once gave out morphing potions for a GMC prize split lenny or something do you reckon they might do the same with this one?.

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I fit that criteria, and I did all the bonuses as well. I did every challenge on the day each set was first issued.

I'm hoping to get the best trophy after all of that hard work, that was a workout!

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Same, I did everything on the day it was released... though my team does not seem to be doing so well, sadly... and extreme faerie cloud racers+faerie bubbles+hassee bounce = the hardest challenge ever for me, mainly because I am rubbish at the extreme racers. But I managed it in the end, must have gotten a few weird looks in the uni computer lab :D

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Did all the challenges, my homework wouldn't let me do all the bonuses though:/

But that doesn't matter, you won't get a better trophy for completing the bonuses, just team points and prizes;)

Hope it doesn't matter I couldn't play the second day-,-"

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I enjoyed GMC this year but found 95% of the scores on the games were quite easy to reach so it wasn't actually so much of a challenge. I assume they had lower scores this year since you couldn't pick easy or hard. The only one that gave me a little bit of grief was suket's tomb since that game is rather hit or miss in points for me.


I'm hoping for more wearables this year.

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i completed all the challenges on the day they were released ...


but some bonuses i can't care less for .............. my sanity (or whatever left of it) is more important to meee.e.e :graduated:

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My hotel claimed to have free wifi, but I loaded about three pages, so I had to get caught up since I got back. I have now finished all of the challenges, but I haven't done all the extra bonus points yet. Getting close!

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I completed all the challenges on the release day but not the bonuses. I'm not concerned about a prize at the end really, I just want a pretty gold trophy :D


Team Brains are definitely going to win I think ;)

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I just completed the GMC. Some days I got all the bonuses too, others not so much. Partially because of the holiday this past week, so busy real life... not as much online time. Also I didn't get Gwyl's Great Escape on the first day, it took me a second day to finish.


But I'm happy with my results, it is on par for previous years of playing GMC.

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I just need one more challenge and I'm done! i kind of regret not playing the qualified games more since I spent a grand amount of time playing 30 something games to complete the challenge. :guiltysmiley:

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