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What's your worst procrastination story?


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Last year in 8th grade, I had to do this huge science project. We had about 5 months to work on it, and I wound up cramming it in the last two weeks or so. I got a B- on it, which was okay for me.


I'm weird when I procrastinate. I come home every day and think, "all right, I'm going to get this done," but only end up stressing out over whatever I should be doing, then go to bed at the end of the day miserable. I manage to pull it off at the last minute, but it's not usually pleasant.

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I have two.


The first one was in grade 5, where I had to do this project for social studies. I had like, a month to do it. I half-arsed the entire project the night before it was due, presented it, and got a 60 on it. And did I mention that my parents took away my computer privileges for three weeks because I procrastinated so much and failed the project?


The second one was more recent- it was over the summer. I had to do a mythology summer assignment for my English class. I had three months to read four chapters of the book and answer some questions about the required reading section, and I did it all the week before school started.

So school started, and we had to do an oral presentation based off some stuff we read and learned about the mythology book. My time to present came, and I was like "um...uh...this shows that like, she did this and that, so, uh, yeah..." the entire time.

I ended up getting a 33 (the worst grade I've ever gotten on anything) on the presentation and a call home from my teacher.

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My exam period starts in one week. My first exam is the hardest and is Monday the week after next (i.e. in 9 days). I haven't even started studying yet. Instead, I play neopets, crochet, do crossword puzzles, bake, eat, read, sleep, stare out my window, play with my budgie, etc.


Also, I have no more dishes. I've been putting off the dishes for weeks, and I'm on a wash-as-needed system where all of my dishes are permanently in the sink, I take one out and wash it when I need it, use it, and then put it back.


I'm terrible :ohno:

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My exam period starts in one week. My first exam is the hardest and is Monday the week after next (i.e. in 9 days). I haven't even started studying yet. Instead, I play neopets, crochet, do crossword puzzles, bake, eat, read, sleep, stare out my window, play with my budgie, etc.


Also, I have no more dishes. I've been putting off the dishes for weeks, and I'm on a wash-as-needed system where all of my dishes are permanently in the sink, I take one out and wash it when I need it, use it, and then put it back.


I'm terrible :ohno:


I did that at one point. Luckily I only had four of everything. But I stopped when we got rats. DX

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like not doing my CV, so I can't apply on jobs...


or not renewing my medicare because I'm lazy to get my picture taken and... uh uh.


Yea I should really do those things. But. But. TOMORROW!

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My whole life. Just kidding!


Actually, it's been my current school term. The course I'm taking is so boring, it's essays, essays, essays. I'm barely keeping up because this time of year is my most busiest with the autumn holidays.

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Procrastination is the sole reason why I'm not in a better college. :P


Even though I've learned that procrastination leads to no good the hard way, I still manage to do it. I have like the worst procrastination habits ever. <_<


Let's see, my worst procrastination story happened about a month ago. I had paper due for my History 20 class and we had about three weeks to finish it. I just kept on telling myself 'aw you have *insert amount of day/hours left till its due* left so I don't need to worry!' I continued putting it off even on the night it was due. I stayed up late trying to finish it but I ended up watching DBZ at 2 in the morning instead. I finished it in two hours the morning it was due and I am pretty sure I got a failing mark on it. :sad02: I always tell myself I'm never doing it again but I end up doing the complete opposite.

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Well, right now is the last day of my break, and I have to finish an art assignment, make a science board, and some homework for English Honors, and I have only half done the art assignment... The worst part is, that the science board is already late, and I will only be getting a C if I do perfectly.


And I just thought: "I will get it done sometime..."


So yeah. :whistle:

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Long ago, when I was in school, in 4rd and 5th grades we had these annoying projects(annoying but interesting) where we had to collect various pictures and things. I waited for the last day of my holidays to do it. I'd sit and cry, lol.

All my procrastination stories include tests, projects and various things in school.

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  • 2 weeks later...

well, i should currently be studying for my French Oral tomorrow but instead I'm browsing the forums. lol


I had this group presentation for this compeitition that was a lot of work, we had months to plan and create all the props and scenes (it was a drama performance) but still left it to the week before the compeitition. My group ended up staying at school until 7PM for a week and coming to school super early. We managed to pull every off and no one could tell we were barely awake. :whistle:

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