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Do you give your pets personalities?

Naamah D.

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Of course my pets have personalities, I just love to customise them! They are basically supposd to be like how I am, or at least Miss_Katzena is. Usulinda_Mindy is quite shy, like me, Darlin_Dar likes to read lots, which I do, I'm not quite sure about Yi_Jie_Chen, but Miss_Katzena is supposed to be like a teenager, liking rock music and being moody.

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That's the thing, I think they're like a stereotype of a girly pet, but I want to show that they're not all like that, especially not the male ones!

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That's the thing, I think they're like a stereotype of a girly pet, but I want to show that they're not all like that, especially not the male ones!



I think the Pirate Usuls are the most guy-ish looking Usuls...

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At first? No, and I didn't understand the personality thing people put on their pets. But I'm one of the Pokémon fans that give personalities to their Pokémon so I CAN sort-of understand it.


I customised Moorlough because, well, I really liked Striped and the items are utterly gorgeous on her. I keep picturingher as the sweet, refined pastel Geisha type figure since we're torn between Faerieland and Shenkuu styles

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I don't think that's strange at all; it's fun. :D


I'm kind of sorting out personalities/back-stories for most of mine. So far the only one I have a definite idea for is Calico_Krawk. In life, he was a complete coward (my little joke, as his name is a parody of Calico Jack), but he's decided for himself that he will not be a cowardly ghost (mostly unsuccessfull).

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all my pets have a personality and a theme song to go along ... and sometimes a petpet to match


i just need to write background stories for all of them - but it'll take lots of time


Edit : the two posts below inspired me ..


I'll start with Peopha and Peophus .. my RB and RG Peophins , a sister and younger brother ..


she is a Warrior Queen .. stern , wise , and strong .. and he is a Time Jumper .. can't settle down in one place for too long ..


... next is Kadavyir .. my Halloween Gelert .. he is an Undead Shaman .. resurrected by an ancient spell and he is now trapped in his own body and in this universe


Silvanuh .. the grey Acara .. is actually a Princess from Brightvale Forest .. but she got lost one day during a hunting trip with her father .. she is waiting for rescue ..


darkobsession - the Mutant Lenny .. he is one wicked creature .. he lives in the fungus caves and hunts poor petpets that wander around ...


V00D00 - Halloween Uni - a powerful Master of Spells ... and an avid reader ...


.............. i can go on forever :D

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Do I give my pets personalities? Not often, but I do have some.


firefly_goblin- She can be a fierce opponent when it comes to the Battledome (even though she's getting tougher every week), and a loyal and playful companion outside of the Battledome.


Hiss_Dragon05- This Hissi is a pretty fierce and athletic character when it comes to appearance, he has dreams on becoming a Yooyuball legend like his idol Layton Vickles one day. I was obsessed with the Altador Cup, and I wanted to get my Hissi all pumped up for the Altador Cup fun as well.


Lippstik- She's also a playful being, but she has a habit of keeping her appearance well-dressed and Queen-like as well.


Nifuel- She's one Grey Jetsam who's sad to the bone, and can also be a bit of a tomboy at times based on her appearance.

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It isn't strange, giving them personalities connects me to my Kacheeks and Shoyru even more! They need an identity!



Apple (apple0921): Apple's happy, cheery, upbeat, positive all the time. Because of this, she's friends with everyone! Though it's difficult for someone to anger or upset her, just by that someone asking her about her past, and she becomes that. Dark past. She's also a speedy flier too!


Grace (Gracinha___1212): The mysterious and dark one of the family; Grace's the silent yet strong (physically and mentally) type; hiding herself in the secret library most of the time, constantly practicing her magic. One thing that someone should know is that she's a graceful dancer!


Snowie (SnowPrincess2806): Snowie's a tomboy for one! She hates it whenever the other female Kacheeks of the family forces her to dress up and all the things she considers 'too girly'. The sporty and adventurous one, and always seeking danger and trouble. She's a fighter too!


Apple and Snowie are currently in debate on who should be the head of the family.

Apple is the oldest amongst the Kacheeks and Shoyru, while Snowie is the first pet Ain (me) created.


...yeah, that! :P

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Yeah, I give my pets personalities. My kacheek likes to read and loves petpets. My lenny is really into fashion and beauty and faeries, and idolizes Queen Fyora. She "bugged" me until she was painted faerie. She's even named after a faerie, Psellia. My eyrie, currently a poogle, is being zapped daily to up her battle stats because she, currently a he, is a warrior-ess and likes to fight bad guys. When she feels she's done training, she plans to be a Royal girl eyrie. And my "groovy" kougra, as you can see pictured in my avatar, is really into music. He collects all kinds of musical instruments. I have a few other pets I haven't really developed personalities for, but I plan to.

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I have 15 pets, but I'll only do a few...


Aritaela the Baby Eyrie: A total sweetheart... supposedly. She's not actually the youngest in the family, but still loves being a baby for all the attention. Aritaela likes to think of herself as a sweet, innocent little baby, but still has the proud, powerful heart of an Eyrie inside of her. She tends to get angry if things don't go her way or if she's being ignored, and doesn't stop at anything to get what she wants.


Allumeri the Someday-Electric Usul: Allumeri was created a few years ago, then left behind when I got bored of Neopets for a while. I only recently salvaged her from an old account. She's still slightly hurt from this, and as a result is easily jealous of my other pets, especially the "oh-so-perfect" Airivella. Despite this, she really is a happy, loving pet and doesn't hesitate to be the "big sister" and cheer up anyone around her who's feeling upset. She can't stand being alone like she was for so long.


Airivella the Cloud Xweetok: Very regal and proper (or as Allumeri puts it, bossy and stuck-up), Airi rarely ever lets her emotions take control of her like some of her siblings. Almost everything she does seems to be planned in advance and done with full confidence. She and Siranaa, her little Xweetok sister, are inseparable, but it often seems that Airivella is holding on more to Sira than Sira is to her, even if she is the big sister. She seems to take a smug pride in upstaging Allumeri, but always plays it off with innocence.

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All my pets are like characters, so yeah. Often I feel like I should do more. I know a lot of people have elaborate backstories and even different worlds created for their pets.

I focus mainly on a few of my pets, and don't know much about the others.


Then it's weird when in-game doesn't match with my idea of my pets XD

Like for example my jetsam Tiberonth, who loves Usukis, wouldn't play with one because he thought it was boring XD

Or when Lori, who loves to read, keeps thinking various books are boring :|

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Or when Lori, who loves to read, keeps thinking various books are boring :|



LOL! Yeah, that happens to my kacheek too. But when that happens I just pretend he's being analytical and intellectual about the books he reads, and maybe he's just too smart for that book. BTW, your pets can still read those books. You just have to change the language at the bottom of the screen. Just keep switching the language until s/he reads it.

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My pets are sort of my friends, and I based Miss_Katzeba off a character I made up. One who's surname is Katzena. I just got tha name one day, made it up. The Miss made it more interesting.

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