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Login with Facebook!


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From this day on, you can log into Neopets with your Facebook account. You will have to connect your account to your facebook first, but after that's done, you can simply click a button instead of having to fill in your account and password!


Also, the usual log in has changed to a small pop-up screen.



I bet this will make things easier

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Did Xepha have anything to do with choosing the graphic? xD I don't have facebook, so this won't help me, but it's a nice option for those that do. Especially if you lose your password or something. Handy.

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I feel like this is a mistake waiting to happen. I love that TNT is so trigger happy about silencing people and freezing accounts, but now they want to connect the site to Facebook. That makes sense right? -_-

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Did Xepha have anything to do with choosing the graphic? xD I don't have facebook, so this won't help me, but it's a nice option for those that do. Especially if you lose your password or something. Handy.

Nooo... But I admit I chose a Wocky because I had to think of TDN > Xepha > Wocky :P


Personally I'm hoping to get my main account back before I connect anything to my facebook account.

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I'm going with Xepha on what she said about the Facebook Login, I'm not interested in logging in that way. I'm sticking it with the old fashioned way.

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I was both interested and turned off by the facebook login. I mean, at first I didn't want to go for it, but then thought, what if some of my friends played and I didn't know and facebook could show me, and then I thought about some people I have as facebook friends and thought... ummm no. But I did give it a try and I kept getting errors with the connecting to facebook, and now I'm glad.

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I'm also not interested


It would be a disaster if my Facebook showed on my wall "you are now connected to Neopets" .. my friends will ask a lot of questions lol .. I'll just stick to "Angelo has read 2 articles in The Guardian" :P


plus , FB is FB ... and Neo is Neo ..

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^I agree. My friends would start telling me, "Aren't you a bit old to be playing that?" or "Do you remember what happened to your grades two years ago because of that website?" I don't want them to hide my account info again. :sad02: FB login is just a disaster waiting to happen.

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