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Confess something no one in real life knows?


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Okay. *inhales*


-I can be somewhat sadistic in a way that I love to see people/characters bleed

-I play neopets

-I *sometimes* sing in the shower

-I get annoyed and angered easier than what my friends think

-I used to be afraid of an anime character that I thought was going to kill me at night

-I like Winnie the Pooh :whistle: (in a way that it comforts me)

-I sometimes pretend to be singing in a concert along to one of my favorite songs :whistle:

-I like and make rage comics




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Interesting...well I have a few secrets as well that people in the REAL WORLD wouldn't know.


  • I still like to spin around chairs really fast
  • I'm now totally obessed with My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
  • I used to roleplay on FB as an anime character and had lots of other rp friends (this was before FB became too famous for my liking)
  • I met my awesome boyfriend on FB because of this
  • I literally cried when I was robbed 9 million nps back then. Like CRIED my face out!
  • I secretly want to be a Let's Player but don't have the tools to start
  • I'm still emotionally scarred from my senior year of high school
  • I love cute things but I also love dark/evil things for some reason
  • I still sometimes peel my own skin from my fingers out of boredom


I'm a weird one O.o But I like that I'm more open about Neopets than some people xP

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I have obsessions about some of the people I talk to online, that is, I think about them lots. Even they don't know it.


Same! :D In a non-creepy way.


That's probably about the only thing no-one else IRL knows about me, but some other stuff that not a lot of other people know about me -


  • I like blood. It's pretty :3
  • I also like fire. It too is pretty
  • I kind of sometimes randomly hate people the first time I meet them. I have no idea what triggers it, I just do.
  • I like drawing "dark" pictures and writing "dark" stories
  • I make up how I think a conversation is going to go in my head. With people who are not anywhere near me, in a hypothetical conversation, which will probably never happen.


So yeah...

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No one in real life knows... (part two)

-I still think about how much of a jerk I was to everyone back in grade 5 and once I start thinking about it, I can't stop. Also, I get incredibly offended when my friends make fun of me for the way I acted back then.

They have every right to do so, and I totally understand why, but it's something I never like or want to bring up.

-I get attached to others way too much, and even if someone is a minor part of my life and they just leave me or stop talking to me or something like that, I take it personally.

-I still watch Arthur sometimes.

-I always feel like everyone thinks of me as a boring person.

-Most of the time, I hate watching movies with my friends.

-Sometimes I wish I still hung out with my old group of friends, even though some of them weren't exactly good influences.

-Even though I hate a lot of the people I know IRL, I want to become friends with a lot of the people I don't hate but I'm way too shy and socially awkward to start a conversation with them.

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- I play neopets

- I seriously love the band Panic! at the disco, it's considered emo but the song Northern Downpour is just too pretty.

- I still watch pokemon, brings back awesome childhood memories.

- I am a lot more dark and twisted than anyone could really guess.

- I am super self conscience.

- I'm terrified of losing my memories.


Yeah, now that it's all written down I feel better/ like I belong in a mental institution

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I'm not sure if there's a lot of things you don't know about me, but here's a few:


-I still like to watch some PBS Kids and Nick Jr. programming sometimes (a lot less since I don't watch a lot of TV these days).

-I have a very rare NES game that could of cost me over $100 (got it for $85 though).

-I always have a small fiber-optic Christmas tree in my room year-round, and a big Santa Claus lawn ornament in my closet.

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Same! :D In a non-creepy way.


That's probably about the only thing no-one else IRL knows about me, but some other stuff that not a lot of other people know about me -


  • I like blood. It's pretty :3
  • I also like fire. It too is pretty
  • I kind of sometimes randomly hate people the first time I meet them. I have no idea what triggers it, I just do.
  • I like drawing "dark" pictures and writing "dark" stories
  • I make up how I think a conversation is going to go in my head. With people who are not anywhere near me, in a hypothetical conversation, which will probably never happen.


So yeah...


I agree with all of these.

I love dark drawings and stories. My parents used to always think I needed help but they will never understand it's a healthy way of venting.


And I randomly despise people the first time I meet them too. Some people online and some in real life. I have no idea why either.


Blood and fire are pretty. Not to sound creepy, I agree! I spend hours just sitting in front of the fire, cause it's so pretty. And drawing fire is lovely.

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Oooh, I agree with you guys saying that fire is lovely. It truly is :yes:.


When I was a child, I used to burn things in mason jars in my room (mainly leaves, twigs, bits of paper with secrets written on them, tissu paper...). Such fond memories :).


I burn lots of things. When I'm mad at someone I write a really long, angry letter and then burn it. :)


Not to sound crazy. It just makes me feel better and looks lovely.

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Same! :D In a non-creepy way.


That's probably about the only thing no-one else IRL knows about me, but some other stuff that not a lot of other people know about me -


  • I like blood. It's pretty :3
  • I also like fire. It too is pretty
  • I kind of sometimes randomly hate people the first time I meet them. I have no idea what triggers it, I just do.
  • I like drawing "dark" pictures and writing "dark" stories
  • I make up how I think a conversation is going to go in my head. With people who are not anywhere near me, in a hypothetical conversation, which will probably never happen.


So yeah...

Gosh, I love this so much.


All of these apply to me!

Blood tastes so good. So good. Blood is an amazing tasting substance. :D

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Same here! People I know think I absolutely HATE Taylor Swift (since I'm into rock and all) but I secretly enjoy her music when it comes on. I think she's a very talented artist. ^_^


Also, no one in real life knows that... *takes a deep breath*


  • I play Neopets (just like several other people here)
  • When I'm alone at home, I like putting on my Sailor Neptune costume and make Sailor Scout poses in front of the mirror.
  • I am extremely interested with the mentality of serial killers
  • My best friend now is someone online who I've never met personally
  • I tend to hate people at first sight
  • I like being alone since everyone I know are huge fakes
  • When I see a character drowning in a video game, I begin to hyperventilate
  • I'm hydrophobic because of this
  • I don't get easily amused. I tend to find some jokes rather lame. I just laugh to be nice.
  • I can get angry/annoyed with any little thing, but I try to hide it most of the times
  • My family and friends know I love anything dark or that relates to death...but they don't know to what extent.


Yup...now that I look at this list i realize that i'm a messed up, lonesome person. o_O

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No one in real life knows I like to "kill" the internet when it misbehaves. I like to do it, online is the only place where I'm truly violent, in real life, I'm too shy, I wouldn't dare.

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Haha, speaking of messy rooms. No one knows how OCD I am.


Not with things being neat but being in order.


CD's alphabetical by artist, books, DVDs.


My friend mixed up my Supernatural boxed set with a Criminal Minds one. I began to hyperventilate. I'm crazy.

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I've got a bunch...


- Neopets (a popular secret around here!)


- I'm bisexual, and I haven't told my family or my closest friend but have confessed to a girl I knew at camp (not romantically, just coming out)


- I sincerely doubt my school is as open-minded and accepting as the students claim to be


- I'm recovering from binge-eating disorder


- I listen to metal


- I feel like some of my friends can't stand me


- I hate the fact that I'm so indecisive


- I'm extremely jealous of my brothers, who went to NYC for college and are loving it

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No one knows....


I have an extremely urgent need to keep everything in my iTunes library absolutely PERFECT


I play neopets


Legs creep me out


I am wildly jealous of my gorgeous sister


My hair must always be soft and shiny or I get anxiety


I love getting good marks and being a overall nerd


Socks are one of my absolute favorite things


And I must always stick my hand in my glass before I can drink out of it


Shh! Haha :D

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- I listen to metal


Why would you hide this? Metal is great!


My hair must always be soft and shiny or I get anxiety


Same! LOL Although I'm a male, I have long hair and I CAN'T STAND it when it's messy or greasy, I just can't behave normally. :S


Hm, and the other things people don't know about me:

- I really like footwear. Sometimes I catch myself judging other people by their footwear. Crazy, isn't it? :D

- I think that I'm sick all the time (for example that I have a deadly illness or something). That can be a real problem sometimes, although I heard that most people have the very same problem.

- I'm pretty emotional although other people think that I don't care about anything and just like to have a good time.

- I always have to leave some food on the plate after I eat. :laughingsmiley:


And I DON'T hide that I'm playing Neopets although I'm 18, because they're great. :D

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It's the sort of thing my Sister would like. It's in her girly magazines.


Anyway, no one in rel life knows what I've changed my name to, or that I used a nickname for my previous name, or my name on the other forum.

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