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Last Thing You Ate

Naamah D.

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I had some Banquet Chicken Tenders with Buffalo Sauce for dinner, and a big Chocolate Santa for a treat. :santa:

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i just had a pepperoni hot pocket and some chocolate hello pandas. :D a strange combination now that i think about it...

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I've been drinking tea again. And it turns out those pastry things were apparently mince pies, though they are nothing like actual mince pies.



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Wow, I see a lot of people here who just had pizza, now it makes me wish I'll get the Ultimate Cheesy 7 Bites Pizza from Pizza Hut earlier.


Now on topic, I just had rice with beef lungs, potatoes, onions, gingers (which I didn't eat by the way) and black pepper sauce in it.



Everyone can't resist the great taste of pizza, if not most people.


I had some spicy jalapeno pizza earlier at Piezoni's, and it was mighty spicy. I had some soda to cool down myself.

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.....chocolate, black tea, that sort of thing (I am as addicted to tea as i am to Neopets. :* ). Also, check out my first ever SIGNATURE!!!! SNAPE!!

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Everyone can't resist the great taste of pizza, if not most people.


I had some spicy jalapeno pizza earlier at Piezoni's, and it was mighty spicy. I had some soda to cool down myself.

Now you're making me more eager to get one.


I just had a plate of large noodles with shrimps and other vegetables.

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Last thing I had to eat was some of my dad's birthday cake, it was his birthday yesterday.

Two slices of that, with a can of Pepsi Max after that.

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