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Due to his bones being steel, 'tis merely a flesh wound! He is airlifted to a hospital where he is expected to make a full recovery.


However, the hospital is robbed, and the ant lost all his money in the crash, and is shot in the brain 47,923,615 times.


(The robber carries many bullets. :P)

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The ant has a steel brain cover that can survive 1 bullet but catches a ride on the next.


his bones magically disappear forever and I eat them and the bullet crashes into a steel wall which then goes into emergency mode and transports to a secret laboratory which then crumbles down due to an earthquake and the earthquake causes the steel wall with the bullet & ant in it to fly up and it lands on an airplane which then crash lands into a volcano as it is erupting, all this while the bullet and wall is crushing it's organs and brain.

  • 3 weeks later...

the life faeire finds him and heals him to full health


after that he went to the deserted fairgrounds and loses all his memory, health , fullness ect


But some idiot with a genie reversed time 10 minutes.


the ant rides on a toy car which crashes into a steel wall which then goes into emergency mode and transports to a secret laboratory which then crumbles down due to an earthquake and the earthquake causes the steel wall with the toy car & ant in it to fly up and it lands on an airplane which then crash lands into a volcano as it is erupting, all this while the car and wall is crushing it's organs and brain.

I obliterate everything with healing powers, so the ant has no chance of being healed by anyone.


Sadly(for you^), the same idiot who wished to turn back time wishes for his second wish to be used up on making him rich and the third wish, to turn back time a few minutes. So Ant is still alive.


Ant dies due to immense happiness just because he was alive again.

  • 2 weeks later...

some stupid kacheek see him dead and feeds him a healing potion


he hates being alive so he climbs on top of coltzan's shrine and jumps off resulting in him splatting



  • 6 months later...

But he quickly is found by merchants and revived.


I return to the board, which retries all my previous attempts, and destroys the ant over quite a big number of times and in no way survives or ever existed. The ant is gone unfortunately. And I win. So ha.


Then you realize that you were destroying a fake ant.


A woman saw the tiny little ant and screamed so much, she stole some guns from the police and shot the ant.


But the lady was a horrible shot and somehow killed herself with the guns.


The whole dimension explodes and so do all the other ones, except Dimension X because Dimension X is awesome.


[[Amethystic, you seem to like 'goes into emergency mode' and 'secret laboratory' (:]]

  • 3 weeks later...

However , the ant teleported itself to another Dimension Y


There's no air in Dimension Y though , so the ant suffocated.

  • 2 weeks later...

Nah, the ant has an oxygen tank. Duh!


Chuck Norris destroys the ant! MWAHAHAHA!

  • 1 year later...

The ant hires Bruce lee to beat up chuck


The president has made a law where all ants must be exterminated, the military goes attack the ant

  • 4 weeks later...

The ant accidentally gets locked in a safe and everyone forgot about him so he wasn't shot.


The ant was trying to use a blowtorch to get out of the safe but accidentally burned up in the process,


The ant was wearing a fireproof suit.


The ant was so tired being in near death situations that he hired somebody to kill him in his sleep and to kill anybody who revived him.


But he didn't have enough money to pay the man he hired.


So the man he hired stepped on him and it crushed him.


He stepped on the ant but it was the ant's son.


The ant committed suicide after losing his son and made it so no one could enter or exit the room including him.


But the ant friends a termite who can get into the room.


The Ant escapes and climbs on a bench where he is sat on


But the ant was brought back to life because he got another chance because he didn't live life to the fullest.


The ant got mistaken for a zombie and he got shot.


The bullet didn't kill him as he has regenerative powers after being killed so many times.


The ant climbs into a barrel of radioactive waste and is shot by the army at the same time.


The ant survives because je has a special suit that keeps him alive and not burn from the radioactive waste.


The barrel the ant is in explodes causing the ant to be sent flying through the air only for him to crash into a wall.

  • 1 month later...

Everyone knows that if he has a dream self, you can just kiss him (ew) and his dream self will take over.


I ate the ant. My stomach acids dissolved him. There is no more ant. Goodbye.


Using futuristic technology we took all of the ants molecules in the ant and reconstructed it.

The ant gets sucked up in a black hole.


It turns out to be a wormhole so the ant is teleported instead.


The ant has unfortunately been teleported into a supernova.

  • 2 weeks later...

Luckily, its the BD item supernova supernova.gif. So now the ant is armed.


But the ant is splattered against a spaceship flying 16,000 MPH.

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