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Spirited Away

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So guys are you sad, happy, or nervous about School?

I am all of the above! I'm sad I'll be busy all day! Happy that I'll see my awesome/crazy friends again! Nervous about all the pressure I'll get from projects, Tests, and what will happen during school!

Anyone feel the same? My school year starts September 8,2011. I won't be around that much. I can't use the Cpu during school says because It will interfere with my school work. So.. what do you feel?

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I have always like the "back-to-school" period. I'm usually nervous the night before the first day... and everything goes well in the end. (Mostly, I'm afraid that I won't wake up! So now I set up 2 alarms and I'm fine xD.)


This term, I have 3 classes that all seem cool and interesting. I'm going to have one about networks and internet (php, mySQL, etc), another one about video in real time and the last one is about animation 3D. :D I'm probably going to be busy with projects, as usual. But it's always so rewarding to see a finished piece.

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I'm sad, happy and nervous too...

Sad: My closest guy friend moved away ( who I was *pinches fingers* this close to asking out...and we lived within walking distance of each other ;~; ) and two other close friends aren't moving but are going to another school :( I don't even know what I'll do without them.

Happy: I get to see my friends again! And we can derp around in Chorus like we did last year :D

Nervous: I'm in two Honors classes and one grade 10 class. OHGOD why can't people realize I don't deserve to be in accelerated classes. Oh yeah, and I don't want to deal with the administration. adhfsdhjfkhajd


In case you didn't know, I'm going to be in grade 9 ;) I'm actually really, really stressed out and school hasn't even begun yet.

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I'm pretty neutral about my classes themselves. I'm a sophmore in college. Classes started last Thrusday. I am excited for anime club meeting to start though! I'm an officer, the Treasurer. :D It'll be my first time introducing myself with the officer group at the first meeting. x3

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For the first time in 18 years....I do not have school to look forward to at the end of the summer. Omg....am I an adult?! (I started preschool at 4 years old and am now 22....goodness).

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Happy: I get to see my friends again and flaunt my new clothes

Sad: The last of my "circle"of friends are leaving and I'm staying

Nervous: I have to do internships and do not want to deal with anyone's bull.


There you go...mixed feelings.

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I have such mixed feelings for school this year! I am incredibly nervous about meeting a bunch of new people, and trying to handle college classes for the first time. I am so excited though to have a chance to grow up even more, and I'm sure the people I become friends with will be absolutely amazing :)

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I'm pretty indifferent. It's my third year of university, so I know what to expect. I only have 3 in-class courses and the other two are online, so I'll actually only be in class a grand total of 9 hrs/week. its looking to be an easy semester.

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You guys have school! :P :P

When I went to school, I used to feel really nervous the day before school started. But there was always the meeting of my friends which decreased the sadness of not being in my house.


Anyways, school was always fun. So have fun! :D

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