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Hurricane Irene


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I live in New York City, which is projected to hit directly by this storm. About to run out to buy numerous gallons of water and canned foods. Going to help my dad on Saturday to move the stuff on the balcony inside. Also making sure that my 73 year old godmother is ok and fully stocked. Also offered friends that live in low-lying areas of the city a place to stay for a few days. Am I missing anything really? What are you doing to prepare if you live in this storm's way? (basically all of the East Coast from South Carolina northward).

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Do you have a radio, flashlights, first aid kit, batteries. All I could think of... I live in Florida and won't get much if any of it. But I saw this on Yahoo.com: http://news.yahoo.com/hurricane-irene-looks-terrifying-space-astronaut-says-174601334.html Hope you and your family are safe!

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Yeah,the hurricane irene almost put my family in danger here in Puerto Rico,but at least none of them got hurt *few* But i'm still very sorry for the people that lost there homes and/or beloved ones :guiltysmiley:

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Even if Irene were to hit where I live, it would of weakened by the time it gets to where I am. It's a Category 3 right now, and it would lower to a Tropical Storm or Depression by the time it hits New England. The worst I'd get would be a thundershower or some heavy rain.

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My mom bought quite a bit of canned food and filled up the car's gas tank earlier today. I doubt it'll get bad enough so that we have to evacuate, but you never know.

If I remember correctly, the worst isn't supposed to happen until Saturday or Sunday around where I live.


To anyone who lives anywhere that can possibly be affected by the hurricane: Stay safe and stay prepared in case something bad does end up happening.

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You haven't missed much. You might need to fill the car tank (like pyrope has done) just in case (if your gonna use a car). Maybe you should take a first aid kit too.


My advice : Be prepared. You have to be prepared for the worst. You might lose anything.


Be safe! I hope you and your family will be safe.

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Guest iYoshinho

Tonight and Saturday it is to hit, I live in Chicago so I am not affected but for those who will be, best of luck to you and brace for impact NOW.

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I've been keeping track of the hurricane, and it's a Category 2 last time I checked. I'm just glad that the hurricane's weakening, I just don't want any heavy Katrina-like damage where I am.

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Even if Irene were to hit where I live, it would of weakened by the time it gets to where I am. It's a Category 3 right now, and it would lower to a Tropical Storm or Depression by the time it hits New England. The worst I'd get would be a thundershower or some heavy rain.


In New Hampshire(where I live)EVERYONE is making a HUGE deal out of it. Everywhere we went batteries were sold out. I, personally am not worried but I HATE power outages.

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In New Hampshire(where I live)EVERYONE is making a HUGE deal out of it. Everywhere we went batteries were sold out. I, personally am not worried but I HATE power outages.


^ I agree with that statement. I don't like power outages and communication outages. I'm also tracking Irene's movements on Weather.com, and I hoping that things won't be that harsh. I'm just checking often just in case.


If I'm left inactive for days, blame it on Irene.

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Living in AR, I don't really have much to worry about; although for you out there, be say and God bless.


I agree with the others above me; get a radio, some gas, and maybe a flashlight or two. Possibly board up your windows if it's predicted to get that bad where you are. Just saying.

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Hurricane warning got cancelled where I am since Irene downgraded. My power only went out for 30 minutes, but came back.

Worst should be over, now it's just rain.

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I really got lucky that my power was restored, but some other parts of the state I live in weren't so lucky. Some spots are still in the dark while the power is restoring.

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