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The funniest Songs Ever.

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The funniest songs I've heard are


Hard Rock Hallelujah by Lordi: This is by far the cheesiest metal song you'll ever listen to the video is also quite funny


Blood Red Sandman by Lordi: Once again cheesy lyrics, funny video


I'm Just a Kid by Simple Plan: I love Simple Plan but this goes wayyyy past the whiny meter. It has a cuss in it.

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Anything that used to show up on the Dr. Demento show. Weird Al.


Ohhhh, and a whole lot of Frank Zappa's music. I especially like The Muffin Man.

(Warning: Zappa is usually not particularly child-appropriate music. Use common sense when looking up/listening to his music.)

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One of my favourites is Gimme Some Money by Spiral Tap:


I also LOVE anything by Axis of Awesome. Word of warning, AoA aren't exactly the cleanest band, songs like 4 Chords Song, How To Write A Love Song, and (my personal favourite) The Glorious Epic of Three Men Who Are Awesome are swear-free; Birdplane only has one swear word; whereas Can You Hear The [Effing] Music Coming Out Of My Car is a bit on the sweary side, ALTHOUGH they have got a clean version of it.


Oh, and I'd also plug in Tim Minchin's music. Again, not all of his songs are clean; I'd recommend you listen to Prejudice, Drowned, Not Perfect, and White Wine In The Sun. Oh, and if you really don't want to hear loads of swearing, avoid Pope Song.


And finally, this is another favourite of mine - Tom Basden's Honesty (And Death):

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Oh God! If you truly want to listen and watch something funny, look up I Believe In A Thing Called Love by The Darkness. It's freakin' hilarious! Regardless if I watch the video or not, I can't help but to giggle and chuckle.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In terms of intentional comedy, one of my favorite songs definitely has to be "Don't Download This Song" by Weird Al. It's just a satirical song making fun of artists like Lars Ulrich who get all whiny about people illegally downloading their music and the lyrics are really funny. It's a hilarious song. I also love "All About The Pentiums" by Weird Al. It's sort of a prototype of the relatively recent and popular "White And Nerdy", but way funnier in my opinion. Both are great, though. A lot of Weird Al's stuff is stupid songs about food, but there are some real gems hidden in his work if you know where to look.


In terms of unintentional comedy, I absolutely agree with whoever mentioned Simple Plan. I enjoy them, but dear god their lyrics are horrible. Good Charlotte has some atrocious lyrics too. Any time they mention "popular kids" on their first album it makes me laugh almost as hard as the horrible "Keep Your Hands Off My Girl" off of their fourth album. Good Charlotte has such bad lyrics, Simple Plan can't even compare.

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I like Weird Al as well...I think my favorite Weird Al song is "One More Minute" because it almost seems serious until you realize it's not. The music video also cracks me up--he throws a microphone away from him every five seconds or so.


This one's not necessarily funny, but...Boogie In Your Butt by Eddie Murphy. Think...Green Eggs and Ham, but putting all the things in your butt. At the very least, it's the weirdest song you'll ever hear o.O

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Anything by Weird Al or The Lonely Island. Those songs are famous for being on Saturday Night Live. One of their gems is perhaps their best known song but the title is too inappropriate to mention here. Like A Boss is another hilarious one. And then there's The Tale of Captain Jack Sparrow. XD


And as for Weird Al, well, all of them are pretty funny really, some of my favourites include White and Nerdy (of course), Eat it, Dare to be Stupid, and of course, Another One Rides The Bus!!


Oh yes, and I forgot all the Monty Python songs! SIT ON MY FACE AND TELL ME THAT YOU LOVE ME!


And then there's hilarious musicals, such as The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and Avenue Q. Gotta love those musicals and those songs. Avenue Q, you probably know the one song from that show about the Internet, as that's become an Internet meme, but my favourite form that show is Schadenfreude. XD "Making me feel glad that I'm not you!" As well as My Girlfriend Who Lives in Canada, and If You Were Gay. Every song in that show is hysterical!


Now, what songs should I list for Rocky Horror...Eh, they're all wacky and demented, why do I need to bother?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I agree with all of the above. Anything by Weird Al makes me laugh. I have no idea what Chacarron Macarron is about, but listening to it makes me feel like I am getting dumber by the second. lol.

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I know one, but it's in my language. The title is : 'Bog ne daj da bi crknu televizor, bog ne daj'

TRANSLATE: God, please don't make the tv break (sounds funnier in my language) and this is all that sings about. How we don't want our TV to break :D

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Ohhhh, and a whole lot of Frank Zappa's music. I especially like The Muffin Man.

(Warning: Zappa is usually not particularly child-appropriate music. Use common sense when looking up/listening to his music.)

Agreed! Frank Zappa is sometimes quite the genius. I laugh just thinking about "Yellow Snow."


In terms of intentional comedy, one of my favorite songs definitely has to be "Don't Download This Song" by Weird Al. It's just a satirical song making fun of artists like Lars Ulrich who get all whiny about people illegally downloading their music and the lyrics are really funny. It's a hilarious song. I also love "All About The Pentiums" by Weird Al. It's sort of a prototype of the relatively recent and popular "White And Nerdy", but way funnier in my opinion. Both are great, though. A lot of Weird Al's stuff is stupid songs about food, but there are some real gems hidden in his work if you know where to look.

I agree with everyone on Weird Al. I've always had a great appreciation for his music. Not only is he funny, but he is actually a rather talented musician. "Hardware Store" is pure genius.


Oh yes, and I forgot all the Monty Python songs! SIT ON MY FACE AND TELL ME THAT YOU LOVE ME!

Yes, Monty Python songs are delightfully silly.


I would go for Jon lajoie :D He puts everything into a really sarcastic reality :D Totally wicked guy :whistle:

I have a HUGE appreciation for this guy. I don't think all of his songs are great, but he really does some amazing satire, and he has a great voice too. Just a warning, Jon Lajoie is NOT work-safe or intended for younger audiences. If you're under 18, I don't recommend listening. Heck, if you're over 18 and easily offended, I also don't recommend listening. :P



Otherwise, I tend to get quite a bit of amusement out of listening to Cradle of Filth. They are a brilliant caricature of heavy metal nonsense. You can probably also lump Motorhead in with this category of music that is amusing because it's over the top. Speaking of heavy metal nonsense, Spinal Tap is quite amusing. With an album called "Break Like the Wind," how can you go wrong? :D


While I'm on the topic of comedic metal, some of Devin Townsend's music is rather amusing. "Cooked on Phonics" is a narrated concept album that pokes fun at mainstream punk. Also, some of the songs he wrote with Strapping Young Lad, such as "Far Beyond Metal" and "You Suck." (There are a lot of expletives in his music - you've been warned).

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