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Good luck! I would love to get more trophies, I'm just not the greatest at games. I am proud of the few I have, especially my turmac roll trophy, even though it is 3rd place.


Good luck! I would love to get more trophies, I'm just not the greatest at games. I am proud of the few I have, especially my turmac roll trophy, even though it is 3rd place.


If you're interested in getting some more easy ones, you can try these eight:


Bruno's Backwoods Breakaway

Chia Bomber 2

Clockwork Codebreaker

Dungeon Dash

Faerie Caves II - Fyora's Quest

Grand Theft Ummagine

Ruins Rampage

Ugga Drop


All of these are games that have max scores, and if you get the max score, then you'll almost definitely get a gold trophy. These work similarly to regular high score tables in that you'll automatically be placed below all the other people who got the max score. However, if there are already 100 people with the max score (so the table is filled up) then you'll be put in 100th place, and 1st place will be bumped off, and everybody else will slide up a spot. As long as you're on the high score table when trophies are given out (whether in 1st or 100th) with the max score, you'll be given a gold trophy and 750 NP. So basically you'll get the trophy as long as 100 more people don't beat it between when you send in your score and they give out trophies. The only one of these games that's challenging is Chia Bomber 2, and the rest of them are pretty accessible just by following a walkthrough. And, if you're lucky, you'll stay on the high score table for a while and collect an easy 750NP a day automatically (it'll just be added to your account).


If my explanation was a bit confusing, you can try the explanation here: http://www.neopets.com/~tied_trophy_scores#Exceptional8


I haven't been working on trophies lately...

I checked on the score on August 1st and I didn't see anything I could top. I guess it's easier to work on trophies when everyone is busy with school. ;)


I totally forgot on August first .. like every other month ... I just don't pay attention to game trophies <_<


Ooh! Nicely done! You're still in line for first place as of right now. I went on a trophy attempting spree a few months ago, but haven't done anything since then. For a while I was attempting to upgrade my Ghost Bopper trophy from bronze to silver or gold, but that seems to require a bit of luck at the beginning of the month more than anything else. Hmmm... maybe I'll give it another try since it's close to the beginning of August.


Well I got in the 1st place for carnival of terror on the 1st of August but the next day, I never got the trophy. Now my score dropped waaaaayy below the gold trophy score. So disappointing.


I don't do trophy collecting (at least not yet!), but I have noticed that summer is not a great time to try to get in High Score Tables. I suppose it's because students who are out of school are playing more frequently.


Thanks for the tip about the easy trophies, RoboHissi. Maybe I'll try for a few of those, just to deck out my user lookup. :)


I want to collect trophies, but I just don't have the wherewithal for it, heh. I definitely wouldn't try during summer, though. Too much competition!


In case anybody's curious, I ended up getting both of those gold trophies. :laughingsmiley:


If anybody wants to try for any of those 8 trophies that I mentioned earlier and needs some tips, feel free to NM me.


When I think about how many players there are in Neopia, and how there's only a few trophy spots, I get pretty discouraged. So thanks for those tips RoboHissi, I didn't know it worked that way and I love Chia Bomber II so I'll definitely try!


Hi RoboHissi,


First of all, congrats on the brand new golden trophies!


it's nice to meet you since I am also a trophy collector, I haven't tried for any trophy recently because I am too busy with school and work, but Hannah and the Kreludor Caves is definitely the next one on my list to go for~


wish you luck with other trophies in the future!


i love collecting trophies, but recently haven't been on it as much as i used to...i think i'm just too lazy now. :/ *needs to get act together*

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