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What Neopets Theme Are You Using ??


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I'm just curious which Neopets Theme do you use ??


I use the Altador Constellations one because I love it a lot , really .. sometimes I switch to the Halloween or TFR themes , and very rarely the AoTA ... but basically this is my permanent one ...

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I'm also using the TFR-theme, but the constellations was a long-time default

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I've been using TFR since the plot ended. Before I got it, I used the Altador one. They have similar colours at the top. When I change it to anything else, it throws me off and it doesn't look like my account. And I have a purple theme on my computer, so it all matches. :)

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My favourite theme to use is the Neopets Purple theme, simply because Purple is my favourite colour.

I also use the Daily Dare theme when Games Master Challenge and Daily Dare come around.

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I use the basic one. how do you get themes?


You can get themes by participating/finishing a plot/some events(like AC), and there is a special birthday theme you'll can use two days per year: your (set) birthday and neopets birthday

Then, if you've got one, you can set it at site preferences, you can look there if you've got one, maybe the one from TFR plot or thr altador plot one?

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I'm currently using the Negg Festival one for summer. After that, I'll be back to the TFR one.


How do/did you get the negg festival theme? Was it once, or can i get it by participating next year? Or at lest, do you think i can get it then, you can't look in the future;-)

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I hope so, i've seen it, and i like it, and i like collecting site thrmes, it's just like collecting avatars:-D

Thnx for the info

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On cookiethelion, I use The Faeries' Ruin; on my older, formerly-main side, I use the Qasalan one that I accidentally got (I didn't realise there was a plot re: Lost Desert at the time, and I had played Pyramids whilst the plot was on-going, which became my only contribution)

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