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Five Letter Logic


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TUNAS (0, 1, 4)

RULER (0, 1, 4)

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TUNAS (0, 1, 4)

RULER (0, 1, 4)

CUPID (1, 0, 4)

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I've never played this game before, I'm really confused- I read the ruley bit and judging on that (if i've understood correctly) if it's


TUNAS (0, 1, 4)

RULER (0, 1, 4)


The only letters that are the same in those two are U, so when I said Cupid I was expecting the same thing, and I used none of the previous letters... I'm really confusing myself XD Could someone explain?

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What we're trying to do, is guess which 5 letter word Neo is thinking of. In the ()s, there are three numbers. The first number is the amount of letters that that word has that his word has too in the same spot. The second is the number of letter ours has that his has, but are in the wrong spot, and the third is just wrong letter. F.Ex, if my word was 'Heart' and you guessed 'REACH', it would be (2,2,1), because the E and the A are in the right place, the C and the H are in the wrong places, and the C isn't in my word.

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TUNAS (0, 1, 4)

RULER (0, 1, 4)

CUPID (1, 0, 4)

BOOTS (0, 1, 4)

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TUNAS (0, 1, 4)

RULER (0, 1, 4)

CUPID (1, 0, 4)

BOOTS (0, 1, 4)

CLEFT (0, 0, 5)

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