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BOOKS (2,0,3) I did get one, but no...

MONEY (0,1,4) I wish...

PHONE (2,0,3) Already have one...

VIDEO (0,1,4) I got a DVD, but not a video.

SHOES (3,0,2) Um no... I'm not a woman :P

THOSE (2,1,2) nuh uh

THORS (3,0,2) not sure what those are, but they sound fun :) Should I put them on my list for next Christmas?


HINT: the word is kind of an abbreviation


_ _ _ _ _

BOOKS (2,0,3) I did get one, but no...

MONEY (0,1,4) I wish...

PHONE (2,0,3) Already have one...

VIDEO (0,1,4) I got a DVD, but not a video.

SHOES (3,0,2) Um no...

THOSE (2,1,2) nuh uh

THORS (3,0,2) not sure what those are, but they sound fun :) Should I put them on my list for next Christmas?

CHOPS (4,0,1) They'd be difficult to wrap, I'd imagine :P


_ _ _ _ _

BOOKS (2,0,3) I did get one, but no...

MONEY (0,1,4) I wish...

PHONE (2,0,3) Already have one...

VIDEO (0,1,4) I got a DVD, but not a video.

SHOES (3,0,2) Um no...

THOSE (2,1,2) nuh uh

THORS (3,0,2) not sure what those are, but they sound fun :)

CHOPS (4,0,1) They'd be difficult to wrap, I'd imagine

CHOWS (4,0,1) Didn't get any dogs, no...

CHAOS (3,1,1) Now that would be a weird present :P Something much more tasty...


Sorry, I was on the road all day today.


Edit: How about 6 this time? One thing I got for Christmas... :)

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LAPTOP (0, 2, 4) Got one during the summer for school.

PONIES (1, 1, 4) Actually. I got a My Little Pony figurine and have been getting one a day for the 12 days of Christmas. ;)

PHONES (1, 1, 4) Already have one.

TURTLE (3, 0, 3) I would love a live turtle or a chocolate one, though. :D




if by some weird chance this is right, hopefully you got a puddle of something nice, rather than otherwise... :sick02:


PS well how come ponies wasn't right then?? :P (Can't believe you actually did get ponies!!)



Yep. Got a gorgeous puzzle of animals looking at a nativity scene with a stained glass window behind it. ^_^


My Little Pony is one of my current obsessions. My mom thinks I'm weird, but she accepts it. :D


I think I still have some original figurines and My Little Pony on VHS from when I was little in storage somewhere. Totally forgot they existed until you mentioned it. :)


Ok my turn, we will do a 7 letter word and instead of a present I received it's a present I gave to several people this Christmas :)

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