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What other countries think about the United States


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Because my dear friend TeamShannon is from the UK, I have been curious as to what UK people think about British stuff that we (Americans) like. For example: Are the Beatles as huge and loved in the UK as they are here?


Which led me to wonder what your impressions of America are, those of you who are from foreign lands. Have you ever been to the States? What is the general perception in your country of Americans? Curious :)

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never been in the US , but I love that place .. I have lots of family and friends living there ... and I know that the American people are nice , friendly , warm and open :)


we Lebanese are accused of being very "westernized" because we live a similar lifestyle to Americans or Europeans ..

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LOL The Beatles are from Liverpool, UK, so I think that's a yeah ;)

My friend Lucy is absolutely obsessed with them and collects absolutely everything Beatles. Every birthday and christmas I get her something new to add to her collection ^_^


Honestly? As a nation I think that you're all blind to what's really going on, your government is beyond corrupt and that it's mostly your fault that the world is the way it is today. HOWEVER, the individual Americans that I've met have been wonderful, sweet and lovely people, for the most part. And though I do have my view of America as a nation, which I'm sorry about but it cant be helped (Bush, really?), I don't judge individuals based on that. I judge people as people, no matter where they come from.


Edit: Oh! And I went to Florida when I was 12, which was AMAZING :O

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Honestly? As a nation I think that you're all blind to what's really going on, your government is beyond corrupt and that it's mostly your fault that the world is the way it is today. HOWEVER, the individual Americans that I've met have been wonderful, sweet and lovely people, for the most part. And though I do have my view of America as a nation, which I'm sorry about but it cant be helped (Bush, really?), I don't judge individuals based on that. I judge people as people, no matter where they come from.

Well... I'm from the U.S... But THISTHISTHISTHISTHIS~


I beleive we're to blame for a lot of the world issues currently as well.


We have the power to stop a lot of things going on in the world that shouldn't be happening. Im glad we finally helped with Libya though.

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Well... I'm from the U.S... But THISTHISTHISTHISTHIS~


I beleive we're to blame for a lot of the world issues currently as well.


We have the power to stop a lot of things going on in the world that shouldn't be happening. Im glad we finally helped with Libya though.


Just because we have power doesn't mean we should use it. We can't go running around fixing the world's problems.


I meant this to be an informative thread, not a debate. I am interested in opinions from others, and I am not interested in arguing with those opinions. :)

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I believe everything the American Government does, it is to benefit the American Government and that's all. If it wasn't in their interests then why would they bother?


Sorry Racheykins, I just had to say that ;)


EDIT: Realised that second sentence probably didn't make sense to a lot of you though it did to me lol. I mean to say they have ulterior motives.

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I meant this to be an informative thread, not a debate


in my first post, I typed half a page about the US foreign policy, then deleted it for this specific reason :)

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Sigh... I was clarifying that I didn't want to debate this because I didn't want to alienate people from posting an honest opinion. But it would seem the whole thing failed anyway. :(


If anyone non-American wants to opine about America without fear of backlash, feel free to stop by my profile page. :)

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I'm American and I think that us Americans are very lucky we live in a country where we can be free and do the things we want without strict rules or worse. I've always wanted to go to Italy where the majority of my family is from.

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I'm from Canada and I have met some great Americans personally, but in general they are stereotyped as war-wongering egotistical meanies who are trying to take over the world with their terrible government. They also get somewhat stereotyped as intensley over-the-top patriotic and religious. And they all drive Ford trucks, are overweight and have rattails.


I KNOW THIS ISN'T TRUE: just a stereotype.

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I'm a native-born American also very into politics, so with that, Let me tell you all about what I think of my country:


America is horrible. I am DYING to move to Canada, where religion and irreligion can co-exist, where the government is a lot less corrupt than America (All of these comparisons will be to my country of USA), 'Rainbow' rights are fully protected as opposed to here where discrimination is allowed in certain environments.


Canada (or at least, Toronto) is MUCH more cleaner than an American in most respects, also a lot less criminal violence as well as "hood" attitudes. It's safer, cleaner, and nicer.


Yes, EVERY. COUNTRY'S. GOVERNMENT. SUCKS. With power there WILL be corruption to some extent.


As an atheist, I'm not wanted in this country and I live in one of the most "liberal" states, NY.


We're defiently not the best 1st-world country. But we're defiently better and more advanced than most countries. So with that respect, I'm glad I was born here where I have oppertunity and MOST rights as opposed to Italy. If my grandmother didn't move here in America my life would've been completely different.


It all depends who you are, and how involved in politics you are. As someone who wants to become a lawyer, it's VERY irritating to see the Constituion being ignored and completely broken. Seperation of church and state, anyone?


Don't get me wrong, I love America. But right now, this country is going in the toilet. Granted, I have been born and growing up during the recession.


America is not the BEST place to live for someone like me, but it's defiently a place of oppertunity.


I love America, even with it's flaws. Just right now, Canada has more to offer to me than America (Sadly, I heard New Canadians aren't on-par with native-borns).


Also, I'm sorry if "rainbow" isn't allowed. I'm still trying to find a rule for that o_O


But yeah, I love my country. I love what it was built on, but right now it's horrible and seriously corrupt. Each country has it's flaws, you just have to weed out the stereotypical ones who give us such an image and we're generally nice. Hate the government, not the people~


That's all I have to say. Sorry for the rambling. But generally, you'll meet some amazing Americans as well as horrible Americans. But in actuality, we don't really have a lot of arrogant patriots as some people stamp us to be. The nationalism is starting to decline.

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Whoever mentioned Toronto being cleaner.. did you know the city of Toronto trucks its trash out to Michigan and dumps it there?


I'm American and I think we're seriously lazy, fat, overspending slobs. The portions at our restaurants are huge.. and greasy. Here in Southern California, people will hire illegal Mexicans to do their chores- gardening, housekeeping, babysitting, cooking, driving, etc.


I'm not saying that everyone does it, but many do, including a lot of my friends as I live in an affluent upper middle class area.

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To Joy - Yes, I do, but the city of Toronto itself is really clean. I didn't mean to come off like Canada doesn't dump their trash in other lands, I'm very sure that they do.

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Whoever mentioned Toronto being cleaner.. did you know the city of Toronto trucks its trash out to Michigan and dumps it there?


I'm American and I think we're seriously lazy, fat, overspending slobs. The portions at our restaurants are huge.. and greasy. Here in Southern California, people will hire illegal Mexicans to do their chores- gardening, housekeeping, babysitting, cooking, driving, etc.


I'm not saying that everyone does it, but many do, including a lot of my friends as I live in an affluent upper middle class area.


There's nothing wrong with hiring illegal immigrants as long as you pay them well and treat them properly.

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My best friend lives in Ireland and he has a pretty negative view about my country that he sometimes expresses to me. . . though I have to agree that a lot of the things he complains about are things I can't really defend. x__x


The one thing he really doesn't get is the sense of national pride I have. Yes, I don't always like everything my country does, but generally speaking I am proud of my country.



They also get somewhat stereotyped as intensley over-the-top patriotic and religious. And they all drive Ford trucks, are overweight and have rattails.


My daddy would disown me if I drove a Ford, we're Chevy people. XD

(Teasing about the car part, serious about the disowning part. Though I'm a traitor anyway becuase I drive a foreign car that's too complicated for dad to fix.)


But this is generally the stereotype I hear from friends outside the states too. I'm sad it's a stereotype, cus they always do have some truth to them.

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*lived all over the world* *not military*

I'm American, but I have to jump on this xD

Common Stereotypes of Americans, debunked:

We're all fat: I lived in England for a while with my husband (who is South African), and we reckon England has a higher "fat" ratio than we do, especially if you cut out FL and TX :laughingsmiley: :laughingsmiley: :laughingsmiley: :laughingsmiley:

All drive trucks: Ew. No. I drive a Lexus. My husband drives a Honda. My dad drives an accord.

War hungry: Once again, ew. no. The MAJORITY of us don't want to be in a war.

Over Populated: :laughingsmiley: one of my faves....my mother in law said this. to me and my father. who live in sc. which is 90% protected forest. :laughingsmiley:

We actually liked Bush: *Conspiracy Theory Time* We didn't really elect him....he totally stole it and it was proven.........then covered up again.


What I found while living in Europe was that they either loved us but had no idea why, or hated us and couldn't admit they had no idea why.


TO NON AMERICANS: Educate yourself and come for a visit :3 We're pretty awesome once you try us out ;)

TO AMERICANS: Umm...try not to be a stereotype? xD Also, for those of you who have lost a bit of the patriotic spirit, here's a mini story for ya ;)

When Bush was president I hated how the country was turning out SO much that i left. I packed my bags and I moved. Alllllll the way to Europe. Don't get me wrong, Europe is TOTALLY awesome ( <3 ), but it really doesn't compare to the awesomeness of our country. Eventually, the cool European charm wears off and you start to realize what you miss about the good old USofA. I love visiting the rest of the world, and I do it as often as I can, but you don't realize what you've lost til its gone ;)

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GOD BLESS THE USA!!!WAAAAHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




OH SAY CAN YOU SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


:pants: Sorry, I just had to get that out of my system.

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that reminds me of this time i was living in italy, and was with some other american girls in a cab. the cabbie was playing the radio (normal local italian music), and the girls started screaming "put something AMERICAN on!". So he put on "american idiot" by green day. :yes:


:rolleyes_anim: :laughingsmiley: :rolleyes_anim: :laughingsmiley: :rolleyes_anim: :laughingsmiley:

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  • 4 weeks later...

i have relatives in toronto: i agree, its MUCH cleaner than l.a.

im just saying that they truck out their trash.. eww.


also, illegals are hired because theyre wayyy cheaper. so in my opinion, theyre not paid all that well [considering its under our minimum wage of $8.25 here]


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