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Altador Cup 6 Kicks Off!


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Bring the Darigans to victory, I will give it my full-fledged attempt at all the games.

Here's hoping that I don't fail in my first Altador Cup!

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Already won 5 YYB games! Beats my last year's record of... a crud load of draws. x_x;

I think I'm actually better at the new YYB that everyone else hates.

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My first YYB victory, few goals, but... As I understand, every goal you score more than you adversary counts, isn't it? So a 4-2 is a 2 goals victory for my team?

Yes, that's correct. Best of luck everyone! ;)

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yay! who's on darigan with me? the new controls are really confusing though... I think I'll fail.

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*sigh* did it had to be daily,really? Did they ever thought that some people are enjoying the summer by going to the beach,going on a summer vacation,etc.I don't think that a person could possibly be playing altador cup for 40 days without being absent.Anyway,horray,ALTADOR CUP IS HERE!!!



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I'm team Darigan :D I played this morning and failed <_< hopefully I'll get better, it's been a while since I've done YYB


don't you worry,krissy.It happened to me too,but practice makes perfect,trust me,you'll get used to it :D

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Shenkuu is going to win this year!!!!!!! Just get fun ^_^'

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Is it just me, or did TNT tweak the AI for the opponent again? Now the goalie won't even hold onto the ball for a full second!

Hey, but at least they fixed the time thing. No more Yooyuball matches that last up to four minutes!


Hopefully Moltara scores a better ranking than last time. I'm pretty confident in my team!

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I was so looking forward to the Altador Cup, and it has already been nothing but a disappointment. Now that they've ruined for me the only game on the site that I enjoyed and was actually decent at. This has killed what remaining interest I had in the site.

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