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Happy Lupe Day!


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Loving the armor clothes, might get them in the future (;

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I don't like the colors, but both sets of clothes are amazing. It's nice to see a female warrior set. I'm eventually going to have to get the male set for my Lupe. (And the spotted plushie.)

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Yaay Lupe Day! Terrayo isn't a fighter, so I probably won't be sending him to the academy... I did get him an ice garland for his customization. Practically no clothes look good on him... well, those warrior clothes would, but as I said, he's not a fighter. :/ I rather like the sketch lupe... maybe someday?

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I like how the clothes for the Lupe are basically the same thing for different genders, a male and a female knight! I like that.


But I agree with the rest of you, the colors suck. And I'm usually fine with Zombie pets, but his eye here is just...weird.

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yay free training for my Lupe frozen_skater!!! :D

And the clothes are very regal and intricate.

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awesome! the zombie lupe looks so cool! but so do all the other zombie colors :evil: must get...

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Awww... I simply love the Spotted Lupe Plushie!

The Knight Armour on both those Lupes look astonishingly awesome as well!

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I forgot to train my lupes but I really hope to pick up those plushies and the new clothes. I might need to get a female lupe just to get the female set. Anyone know the full names of the items?

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