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Festival of Negg Prize Discussion

Laughing Echo

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So what exactly are the prizes going to be, hmm? What does everyone think they will choose? I'll post the pictures of the objects and offer what I guess they are (based on observation and file name). [edit] As prizes are released, I will add in the proper names. Also an * indicates something is wearable.


Striped Neggs:

  • boo_fon_neggcrafts.gifNegg Crafts
    bd_fon_neggchucks.gifNegg Chucks
    fur_fon_springtable.gifEaster Picnic Table
    toy_fon_bobblehdflowr.gifBobble Head Flower


Polka Dot Neggs:

  • bd_fon_negghelmet.gifNegg Helmet
    boo_fon_neggativetimes.gifNeggative Times
    toy_fon_neggwindchime.gifNegg Windchimes*
    toy_fon_punchingnegg.gifPunching Negg


Swirly Neggs:cur_fon_neggcreampotion.gifcream potion? fur_fon_partiallypaintednegg.gifpartially-painted Negg gif_fon_neggshiddenbrush.gifNegg bush fg_fon_flowerpetal.gifflower foreground



Plaid Neggs:boo_fon_ohwhatanegg.gifbook bd_fon_neggshield.gifshield clo_fon_easterbonnetmen.gifbowler hat clo_fon_neggskirt.gifskirt




My Picks: Striped - I'll go for the table most likely.

Polka Dot - Windchimes, because they were wearable.

Swirly - Since I'm not too sure what that cream does (it's file categorizes is as "cur"), so far I'd go for the NeoHome Negg.

Plaid - Since nearly all of my pets are male, I'm going for the bowler hat. (The file name on it is funny: "easterbonnetmen" lol! Also, the shield is Battledome equipment, not wearable.)

Edited by Laughing Echo
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Kept them in the same order you had them in your first post. The stars (*) indicate the items that interests me the most.

Unless the battledome items are tested to be extremely good, I won't get them.



Striped Neggs:

* book


* furniture




Polka Dot Neggs:


* book





Swirly Neggs:


* furniture


* foreground



Plaid Neggs:

* book


* clothes


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All of them!!! Seriously though, I'll be buying the other three items that I don't choose for my negg gallery. So if you could care less about the prizes, let me know and I'll probably buy yours off of you! To keep with the original question though, my favorites are the bobblehead, the wind chimes, the cream, and the hat. I would say the flower foreground instead of the cream, but I tend not to like the look of foregrounds on my pets.

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I'm also be buying the other items.

But most likely will choose the wearable items.

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I'm slightly surprised I thought more people would go for the books. Maybe that's just because I'm a book hoarder. I'm going to choose the books (surprise!) and most likely the flower petal foreground but I'm with Sakurabelle and Airiya I'll be buying the items I don't choose.

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I'm going to do the same thing Xepha did:


Striped Neggs:

* book






Polka Dot Neggs:


* book

* toy




Swirly Neggs:


* furniture


* foreground



Plaid Neggs:

* book


* clothes

* clothes

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I'll be going for wearables mostly. I don't really care for Neohome items & I'm not big in the Battledome, so if there's not a wearable in a particular category, I'll probably pick a toy or book.

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I'm going away on vacation for two weeks , so I'll miss those ...


but I want the WINDCHIMES and the SKIRT (if it's a dancing skirt) for my music gallery


i hope they won't be so expensive <_<

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Well I sure hope that there are a lot of people planning on choosing the prizes just to sell them, because it sounds like most of us want them all.... I'm wondering whether the helmet and shield will be battledome or wearable.

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I'm slightly surprised I thought more people would go for the books. Maybe that's just because I'm a book hoarder. I'm going to choose the books (surprise!) and most likely the flower petal foreground but I'm with Sakurabelle and Airiya I'll be buying the items I don't choose.

I'll definitely go for the books! I'll buy spares as well if they're not too expensive. Mmm, book hoarding.

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Basically everything, but I can only choose one item per set though. :guiltysmiley:


Striped Set: Negg Chucks

Polka Dot Set: Punching Bag

Swirly Neggs: Cream Potion, or Negg Bush if the Cream Potion is just a grooming item. :P

Plaid Neggs: Negg Shield


I'll buy everything else though.

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This will be mine:


Striped Neggs:

* book






Polka Dot Neggs:







Swirly Neggs:




* foreground



Plaid Neggs:

* book




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@Miel I have added the official names to those items that have been released. ^_^


This is extremely helpful! Thank you! :D


Hehe, I'm most likely going to pick the books and wearables.

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Thanks for this thread, really helpful!


My picks will be:










I like how the prizes were shown way before you needed to pick them ^_^ I'd probably panic and make the wrong decision if it wasn't like that :P

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I'm interested to hear which end up being worth the most NP--some of the other forums I've looked at indicate the books will be worth it. One person I saw mentioned that the Negg chucks weren't very good in the Battledome--so for the future BD items I'm sure their stats will come into play. I'm assuming they'll all be lackluster--the really great Battledome items seem to come from events like plots or the AC! So books look best to me, along with wearable or Neohome items! :-) I'd love to hear what everyone else thinks!!

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