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Worst Neopet Names?

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Well, I'm sure at least half of the pet names in this thread were created by me at age twelve.


LOL but seriously though. I have a pet named something like __SpAzZ_AtTaCk__ on one of my older accounts, along with pets with names including 3+ numbers. Then at one point I seem to have decided that naming pets with random Latin words whose meanings I only vaguely understood was an excellent idea. Ohh the shame.

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Pound-surfing for a new lab rat & found the following:


o_0motiegirlo_0 the green Ixi


evil_puddin the blue Ruki


zappityyyzapzap the yellow Shoyru


nickjonas6609 the blue Eyrie


neopox_tx6_3_3 the yellow Scorchio


nicey_nicey_nicey110 the blue Grundo

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dtuykbnkguyfhig the green skeith


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I adopted this pet called ears_are_for_me in some side account of mine. Ugh.


patataton the yellow Chia


patata998 the blue Chia


sad_guy_beach the green Ruki


ciikiisiii the white Grundo


TasteBudSweety the red Mynci


Poor little Neopets. They have such names.

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I just took a look in the pound:


UGUHUHGHHGUHNTUH (or something along the lines of that) Shoyru


erlassssssssssssssss - Grundo


Ali_and_peter_forever- Techo


4_8_15_16_23_52 -Gnorbu



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I get upset at the names that are like lkj;lkjh;hoih and 12352343452 or lk14352. If I adopt to zap and repound, I still feel bad for the pet. Who names a pet that? I did name a pet Grundo_slavex882008, but since that's my wedding anniversary, it makes sense for me. :P

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99% of the names in the pound - I hate them.

Surfing always sucks because I just shutter at the names.

And I've seen names like: for_the_pound and such.. it's like why do you make pets just to abandon them? to flood the pound? ugh.

Mega purge please.

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  • 3 weeks later...

lol i wanna make a Xwee and name it Raven_the_worgen_queen. cuz i am playing a game at school and i am Raven, The worgen queen. =D :evil:






nvm, i pounded a uni. I'll pound a xwee tommoroy, so i can make a nother uni for mah mom.


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all but my wirenth were pound babys. i may give damu_ramu back so i can create my memorial pet but i am not sure. at this point i need to raise more funds before i think of it. i also think that woodstalkertheconker is actually a cool name.

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awwww I think Bruce_TheBruce is a cute name LOL


I just surfed the pound and saw a JubJub named "PanCakesInBoot" ... an Elephante named EllieJellieBellie ... an Ogrin named Skeith214 ...

My miniature Austrailian Shepard's name is Ellie and we call her Ellie Jelly Belly.. but I wouldn't give a Neopet that name. I did that once, and my dog I named the pet after died.. it was really depressing seeing it every day..

I gave that pet to a friend XD


Hmm.. I just saw 'WizerdLizerd' the Techo..


Oh my gosh.


That doesn't sound appetising.. and I don't even like Gelato o_O

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  • 2 weeks later...

FattyLamaBaby (Blue Gnorbu)

Fattyfat_Skeith (Blue Skeith)


It just makes me sad when people call their disowned pets fat. :sad01_anim:

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I just adopted a skeith that starts with "fatty" :( I figured I could try and zap him into something more appealing and hopefully someone will overlook the name and adopt him. I always feel so bad for those pets!

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I just really don't like it when people put the species of the pet in its name. If you put it in the pound, chances are it's going to be someone's lab rat!


Welcome_to_facebook is in the pound right now. No joke. As well as Ace_Ven_Churro and llama_llammallama_MEH.

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I generally don't like names with number. My friend once adopted a rainbow kacheek named mr123393. Said she loved the colour so she just ignored the name .. but not everyone's like that :/

I started to name my pets in my language. For example my Vilinka (who'll be morphed to Faerie Peophin soon) in my language means little faerie :) This way I'm avoiding numbers and such.

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I generally don't like names with number. My friend once adopted a rainbow kacheek named mr123393. Said she loved the colour so she just ignored the name .. but not everyone's like that :/

I started to name my pets in my language. For example my Vilinka (who'll be morphed to Faerie Peophin soon) in my language means little faerie :) This way I'm avoiding numbers and such.


I know the numbers are annoying! Unfortunately my 12 year old self created my original neopets...so numbers at the end were as creative as I could get. I've use looked past it now, there is too much of an emotional attachment to leave them now.


Using another language is quite clever. Maybe once I start using my newly acquired lab ray I'll be able to make new pets and move my original ones to a side account.

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I know the numbers are annoying! Unfortunately my 12 year old self created my original neopets...so numbers at the end were as creative as I could get. I've use looked past it now, there is too much of an emotional attachment to leave them now.


Using another language is quite clever. Maybe once I start using my newly acquired lab ray I'll be able to make new pets and move my original ones to a side account.


I know, my first pets had awful names :D I lost the first account though ..

This is what I'm doing too. I moved my old pets to another account and created new ones which I zap (currently). I have a whole mess right now, but I'm going to work it out :D


Just saw a pet in the pound named ghjghjvjn_b .. why :( ?!?

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