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My biggest pet peeves?








and people that can't locate places on a map. Like Cuba. If you can't point out Cuba on a map, please study a map!


In that case I need to study a map. I'm so bad at geography and directions. When I come out of a shop I get confused as to which way down the road I came from when I went in, I usually take about 10 seconds to figure it out. Not too bright in that department I'm afraid! haha

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My biggest pet peeve is when people add to a conversation (usually a forum thread) when they clearly have not even bothered to actually read the thread first. Going a little further along those lines... I put a lot of effort into many technical assistance and explanatory posts, most of which go completely ignored. It's sad when someone then comes along and makes a post containing incorrect information, and everyone suddenly starts agreeing with them.


Yes, let's all ignore the truth. It's easier that way.


This thread made me laugh. All of those things are annoying!


People who stand in doorways make me crazy. I've started taking pictures of them with my phone, and it's amazing how many of them actually seem to take the hint! My favourite one so far is of two women with prams having a conversation with each other in such an artful arrangement that both prams were completely blocking a shop door. You can see people on both sides just standing there staring at them, because they're too polite to say "Hello, it's a doorway, MOVE!"


Runners-up are people who suddenly stop in a moving crowd (bonus points for doing this on the stairs at the train station), and people who approach a buffet table, get their food, and then stand there in front of the table eating it so no one else can get any. Or how about people who want to have a chat with the shop clerk about everything that's happened since 1915 and then show off photos of their grandchildren when there are ten people behind them waiting to be served?


I guess my pet peeve is just people who live in a universe of one. Must be nice... but we're a little overpopulated for that.


I tend to be overly sensitive to repeated sounds/movements, so most of my pet peeves are related to that sort of thing. Like gum chewing (both the sound, and the motion of the jaws up and down and up and down...it makes me want to strangle people!!!)


My roommate does a lot of skin-care stuff (not that she needs it lol) and every morning and night she puts lotion on her face and slaps it around a lot. The sound gets under my skin and I usually have to leave the room <_<


Also, I know not everyone has a good musical ear, but it's really bothersome to listen to someone singing persistently off key. :angry: I mean, I understand if you miss a note or two, but if you have no sense of pitch, please keep your singing to yourself!! There's a reason Auto-Tune exists... :whistle:


I really hate it when people crack their necks it makes me squirm :P

Also when people chew like cows and/or when they have their mouths open ...

And when I can't do something right on the first time D:


I'm with Cornflakes on the whole "you're and your" ordeal. I can understand if English is not your first language, but there's no excuse for substituting "you" with "u" and basically typing in shorthand text language. It's irritating, it's hard to read, and it makes you look absolutely stupid. :eh:


I'm with Cornflakes on the whole "you're and your" ordeal. I can understand if English is not your first language, but there's no excuse for substituting "you" with "u" and basically typing in shorthand text language. It's irritating, it's hard to read, and it makes you look absolutely stupid. :eh:


English isn't my first language, and I can't stand it if people write your instead of you're and its instead of it's. If people talk in English like that, it makes it harder to learn what the right rules for the grammar are. Although I know these grammar rules, it really confuses me if people write it wrong :(


And I know another pet peeve: people with a bad bias of the Netherlands, and than they express this opinion to others, in presence of people from that country... No, just kidding TeamShannon ;)

(I am from the Netherlands)


When people keep staring at you when they talk to you, that's really horrible. Then I really don't know where to look!

Oh, TeamShannon, I have to say that I really like your signature ^_^


It definitely irks me when people don't know the difference between their and there, your and you're, to and too, etc. And chat speak on forums or boards drives me crazy! It always makes me think that the person is 8 years old regardless of how old they may be. If you know how to use proper English, please do.


I also am weird about some noises. Excessive sniffing drives me up the wall as does loud, smacking chewing. I'd rather you keep a gross tissue in your pocket and blow your nose every so often than pause every few words to sniff. :sick01: Bleagh!


I *hate* to hear people eat... not so much the eating part- I mean people *have* to eat or they die. But, the sound of chewing grosses me out so much. When my husband eats I have to turn on music [we don't watch TV while we eat very often] or I go bonkers! It's not to bad if we're both eating and talking at the same time, but if it's just the general white noise around the house and someones eating next to me... ugh -shivers-


Also, I hate sneezing. It's really gross (you spew out grems! eww) and you can't stop it no matter what you do! It doesn't really bother me when other people do it, I just hate doing it personally.


I have a lot of grammatical pet peeves. I've stopped correcting people because I don't want to be annoying, but I still notice every time someone uses "good" as an adverb, uses the wrong "your" or "their", etc.


I also hate when people misuse sayings! I can't think of any examples off the top of my head, but I've got a friend who constantly uses common figures of speech incorrectly. It drives me insane!


I'm also disgusted by nose blowing. Sniffling can be annoying, but hearing someone blow their nose is nauseating.


Ewww nooo! Keep it up there! I friggin HATE people who blow their nose all the time and keep mingin old tissues in their pockets. My grandma keeps a hankie up her sleeve and it makes me feel really queasy :(


What's even worse is when the put all the tissues in their coat or keep holding on to them in their hand. THROW YOUR TISSUES AWAY! Even if you don't see a trash can get up find one and throw them away!


Hmmm...I'm guilty of the tissue thing. I'm sick nonstop with allergies during Spring.

My biggest pet peeves would probably be people repeating useless things, open doors, or people blocking my path. Usually when I'm in hallways and there's no way around a group of people, I say "Excuse me" in a calm tone about five times. If that fails, I just push through them saying "Yeah, move."


It bugs me when people are nosy, or stand in the middle of the hallway like there is no one else in the world but them. When people talk with their mouths full is really gross, or when someone doesn't wash their hands.. You can't really tell but I know there are some pretty crazy statistics on how people don't wash their hands.. Also when people talk too much and never let you get a word into the conversation, that just bums me out <_<


I really hate it when someone chats with me and they use chat speak and have play with cap/lower case.

(ex: h3y h0w r u? // hI hOw R u 2DaY???????)


Also when people send me 1 word text messages (ex: Hi.)

I don't know but it bugs me so much, we're humans and have a brain that allows us to communicate.

Use it please =.=;

  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, I am guilty of not having read the entire thing, but I have quite a few pet peeves... Partly because I'm pretty OCD sometimes, lol.


People that pick their nose, or scratch their butt in public places. Ewww.


When my kitten plays with a bag, be it paper or plastic. I think it's cute, but the noise bothers me.


People who do not understand how to use the following words: they're, their, there; were, we're; to, too; your, you're, etc etc etc.


Stupid commercials. There are good ones out there. Clever ones. But there are also a lot of stupid ones, and I really, really hate seeing them on TV.


When riding the bus, people that smell like booze, body odor, cigarettes, or extreme amounts of perfume! Or being anywhere where this occurs, really.


Repetitive noises.


Loud noises, or music that is too loud. I have sensitive ears, unlike most of my friends, so I am constantly desiring for a quieter environment.


I hate stupid people. There is a difference between stupid and ignorant. I do not hate ignorant people. I hate stupid people.


Excessive Chat Speak. I c n0 r34s0n 2 t4lk lyk3 th1s. I AlSo SeE No ReAsOn To TyPe LiKe ThIs.


I hate it when people call me before 10am. I might be UP at 9:30, but I don't want to start interacting with humanity until I feel like I have a brain.


On the topic of phone calls, I hate telemarketers. I especially hate the ones from out of my province. Why call me from New Hampshire or something to tell me that my vehicle insurance is running out... I don't OWN a vehicle. At least do your research, idiots.... -_-


I get irritated every time I see that guy from IcePets posting yet another advertisement for his game. This is a NEOPETS related forum. When I ran a game server, I HATED people like him, posting advertisements for their own games on my forums. Apparently things haven't changed all that much, because I hate the advertisements for his site just as much, even though I DON'T run the forums.


On the topic of irritating posters... The spambots. I hate them. I think that's enough said about that one.


Predictable, generic movies.


I'm sure there are more, but right now I am too tired to think of any I might have missed.


People who join the forums just to beg for stuff while informing everyone that they are just here for the ALP.


Ice Pets person annoys me too. LOL *huggles Crystal*


Loud noises, or music that is too loud. I have sensitive ears, unlike most of my friends, so I am constantly desiring for a quieter environment.


I get irritated every time I see that guy from IcePets posting yet another advertisement for his game. This is a NEOPETS related forum. When I ran a game server, I HATED people like him, posting advertisements for their own games on my forums. Apparently things haven't changed all that much, because I hate the advertisements for his site just as much, even though I DON'T run the forums.


I second everything you wrote, but especially these! People are always playing music too loud or talking too loud and sometimes I just can't deal with it. My ears do not like being shouted at by man or machine. I'm also not a big fan of being involved in market research for another virtual pet site.


Hehe, I enjoy this topic because as it turns out there are a lot of things to be annoyed by that I agree with.


I think one of my top pet peeves though is when people bob their heads when they are falling asleep. :grrr: Ahh, it's like really people, really? Just put your head down if you are that tired/bored because now you're distracting me because you look like a chicken pecking for food :grrr:


People who join the forums just to beg for stuff while informing everyone that they are just here for the ALP.


Ice Pets person annoys me too. LOL *huggles Crystal*

That person does it because they want neo users - without buying site advertising on Thedailyneopets.com - they'd rather make threads about their pets, to see who joins and become a member. Site advertising is more costly.,


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-takes deep breath in-

When people feel the need to…

…Capitalize The First Letter Of Every Word In Their Sentence. Seriously, It Gets Really Annoying!

Annoying laughs

I find it strange how I can tolerate Fran Drescher's laugh, but not my French teacher's. >.<

People who borrow my pens/pencils but never give them back

I lie about not having them for a reason. I get really annoyed if one of my writing utensils is missing.

Geographically oblivious eighth graders

You're 13/14. I'm pretty sure that by now you'd know that Vermont is not a part of Canada, Mississippi is a state and not just a river, and be able to point out Ohio on a map.

When people say things like "you're not good at *action*", "you wouldn't make a very good *profession*", "you can't *action*", etc.

It's rude and mean- who's to stop you from doing what you [want to] do?

People who continually brag about their boyfriends/girlfriends

I don't care about your precious little snuggly-wuggly pookie bear.

So you've been going out for a month? Good for you. I still don't care.

When people send chain texts/emails

It's 2011, not 2004. Get with the times.

When my friends try to force Christianity on me

This annoys me to no end. I'm perfectly fine with being an atheist, and ever since I came out as one, my life has been so much better.

I was never really religious anyway. :/

When I text out a big paragraph…

…and get "K" as a reply.

I bet a lot of you can relate to this. :P

When people carry around those paper coffee cups and act like...


No. It makes you look like more of a pretentious moron than you actually are.

I drink coffee from those paper coffee cups every now and then, but I don't think I'm cool or hardcore for doing so. :/

Obnoxious driving teenagers

The ones that yell out their window are the worst. I got yelled at several times this year, who knows why.

There was this one person who always yelled "GOOD MORNING!" and drove away. I don't know if he was trying to get my attention, or actually meant to say "good morning." I still thought it was annoying, and I get suspicious pretty quickly.

When I invite a friend over, and all they want to do is…zone out and not do anything

I didn't invite you over so I could watch TV with you. I invited you over so that we could talk, maybe work on our homework and play a board game.

People who think the internet is srs bsns

It really isn't. Grow up.

People who have a closed mind about music (aka most of my friends)

Like, the types of people who won't listen to a genre/artist/song because it's "too old."

Now, please go scrape that crud from your ears and listen to some disco, Motown and doo-wop. I dare you. :)

-relieved exhale-

Oh wow, that was long and rage-filled. xD


I can't stand, and sorry if this grosses anyone out, when women feel the constant needs to talk about their childbirth experiences in front of EVERYBODY! Coming from somebody who despieses the thought of having kids I think just the thought of it is disgusting.


Wow, I agree with so many things.


Loud commercials after something quiet... I really hate clicking something only to have a really loud commercial pop up in my head set or speakers, or when shows have that little bit of silent right before it cuts to commercial.


Sitting in the front seat when other people drive, when they fiddle around while driving down the highway.


Not finishing something. Some things like really long rpgs or rts games I can get away from if I feel like I accomplished something in the game. But other things like console games or a book(I always finish the book or the series as things get better as they progress)


Running out of coffee or it not being strong enough(been drinking that stuff for so long now)


Small talk. Soo happy my family didn't have dinner at a dinner table, I prob would've killed myself If I was asked "So how was your day" every single day when it's pretty much the same.


1. People who like to ToGglE tHEir teXt because they think it looks cool

2. People who make deep love quotations as their statuses because it makes them look emotional, and cool.

3. People who put all these things in their statuses ~``love blahblah..//blahblah// because they think it looks cool.

4. People who like to communicate through this internet language called 1337 speak or something ... :( please don't, cuz no one understands you.

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