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The Lab Rays: What happened today?


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blueflower gained 3 movement points!!! this just keeps getting better!

*the next day*

blueflower gained 2 movement points today. i had to edit this since no one else has posted and i'm not supposed to double post...

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OMG yeey! Something bigger!

The ray is fired at Citruss...

... and he changes colour to Faerie!!

Congrats on the zap lemonest!


Salacara gained 2 movement points...better than loosing stats which is what has been happening this whole week!


Kiki shall now be known as Lollygag....I changed it back to Kiki though :happystrange:

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my other pet turned faerie a couple weeks ago. it took two whole weeks and shes a faerie pteri. it was pretty cool. blueflower gained 2 movement points again today. that's 7 movement points in 3 days. wow.

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The ray is fired at _____...




... and she changes into a Blue Chia!!


Something Has Happened!

You are now eligible to use 'Pwned by the Lab' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!


nooo my beautiful electric Acara into such a boring pet :( She's also my first pet. (it was originally blue, then painted skunk, and then I got the lab ray, and it turned shadow and then electric and now this. Ugh.)


oh, well, at least I got the avatar.

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