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The Lab Rays: What happened today?


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The ray is fired at Citruss...

... and he gains 2 defence points!!!!


Your fears that the Kookith didn't actually know what the heck he was doing are confirmed when Mr.Lemon suddenly disappears, leaving no trace.


None. Nada. Zip. Ziltch.


Guess it's time to buy a new Petpet.


:@ Didn't know this can actually happen...

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Drayikla gained 3 movement points. Funny, yesterday she lost 3 movement points. Another weird thing, the lab ray always does the opposite of what i want it to do. A while ago, Drayikla was a Rainbow Aisha, and while i was begging for her not to turn to something else, she became a Blue Grarrl. :crying:




Like everyone's been saying - Click my vxOW.gifZAmi.gif7a3Z.gif or they'll die!

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blueflower losts 2 levels again, grr!!! this is making it worse, not better. but at least shes not a mutant or something. :grrr:

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