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It's really weird

Shane for Wax

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It's odd. I see a lot of people complaining about TNT not answering their tickets for months on end. I must be either really lucky, have easy problems, or TNT really likes me because I've always received a prompt response. Usually I get one within 24-48 hours.


Anyone else? I definitely won't complain about the prompt CS.

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Sometimes I get a quick response, and sometimes I have to wait so long that I forgot what the ticket was even for. The last few tickets I've had were automated responses, so I absolutely don't know why I even sent in the tickets, since they didn't reference my question or concern in the response. o_O

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I ALWAYS get automated response that NEVER adressess my problem. I think I got one personal response in my 8 years of neopets.

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I've only sent in a couple of tickets, and they've responded within a day or two. I think they were problems that everyone else was having, though, so they were probably just automated responses.

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It depends on the category that your ticket is under. I am sure their support ticket staff is divided by categories so they all can specialise in the area they're best at. So, if they have more staff under one category, and fewer under another, then it might take a little while to respond. *shrug*


Also, I am sure that TNT discards pointless messages or messages that they cannot answer or that are answered somewhere in the help topics.


I really don't think people should diss TNT so much. They have so many people on their website, and there are so many things on their plate. There's only so much they can do, and they all have their reasons. The important thing is to be patient. :)

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I've just had a look at my tickets properly and it does depend on the category.


Habitarium reports get answered fairly quickly and they tend to be largely automated with a small personal response at the bottom:

'Yep, this is definitely a weird one. We're working on it.'

Or the one which amused me:

'There is a bug that's causing the displacment, and until the programmers fix it, all we can do is continue to play around with it.

(Actually, you'll have to do it, because my game stopped working on Wednesday morning ;_:)'


However my bug report on a game from 18/12/10 is still not answered. And other game bugs have taken weeks to come back to me on.


But when I wanted to check if something would get me warned or suspended I got an almost immediate completely personal reply. Granted it wasn't a question that would come up much.


So I think it really is to do with the topic youu are asking under - most of mine (particularly recently) are Habitarium so have have had quick responses!

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One of mine was about the Neocash. I got a really prompt response with it. Another I forget what it was for. Heh. :) Glad to know I'm not the only one who gets prompt responses.

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i really dont rely on them for much, i search for answers outside of tnt. i mean, not because i dont like them or anything. i completely understand. you cant PAY me enough to be on a staff like this.

But just because its faster, there are easier fixes, and i dont have to bother the poor overworked staff : (


Wait, can they unfreeze your account?

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Wait, can they unfreeze your account?


They do unfreeze accounts. But it all depends on why it was frozen, what proof there was that solved why it was frozen. I guess you never know whether you'll get your account back. I've heard people getting them back, and not getting them back.

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once ive submited a ticket and the first response was like after a month, then the next ones varied from 2 weeks to 3 days. I didnt get anything fixed though, it seems like tnt doesnt really read what you write since I answered them the same thing in like 3emails :( so sad.

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