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Claiming Goodie Bag May Take Your Neocash! *update*


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There is currently a glitch in the NC Mall that takes your Neocash even if you didn't buy anything. Users on the neoboards claim to have figured out that claiming the free goodie bag is the cause.


If you claimed your bag yesterday, or today, please go back and check to make sure all of your Neocash is still on your account! If you have been deducted any Neocash - please submit a ticket via the help section!




As you may be aware, there's a *tiny* bug in the NC Mall at the moment that's setting some shoppers' NC balances to 0. Okay, that probably doesn't sound so tiny, but we promise it is. It's just a display issue that's tricking the Mall into thinking you have a balance of 0 when, really, your Neocash is safe and sound. Don't panic! We're working as quickly as we can to fix it, and your balance and purchasing functionality will be restored automatically once the bug is fixed.


Sorry for the inconvenience (and the scare)!


- The Neopets Panic Avoidance Team

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Umm, yeah, thanks for pointing this out. I know I had at least a couple hundred NC left. This is very unfortunate on me not remembering how much I had left. Hopefully they will remember and fix it for me but I will definitely submit a ticket x_x o_O

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a leas i have no nc ...



This post has been edited by a member of staff (Spritzie) because of a violation of the forum rules.

Please keep your posts at 7 words or above.

Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules.

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I visited the TNT News section of the Neoboards, and I found the following message:


As you may be aware, there's a *tiny* bug in the NC Mall at the moment that's setting some shoppers' NC balances to 0. Okay, that probably doesn't sound so tiny, but we promise it is. It's just a display issue that's tricking the Mall into thinking you have a balance of 0 when, really, your Neocash is safe and sound. Don't panic! We're working as quickly as we can to fix it, and your balance and purchasing functionality will be restored automatically once the bug is fixed.


Sorry for the inconvenience (and the scare)!


- The Neopets Panic Avoidance Team


No need to send in tickets, mes amis! TNT is aware that our NC isn't showing up, but it's still there!

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If mine was missing it's back now. All 575 of it.


EDIT: Okay... it dropped and I didn't buy anything. what... all I did was go into the mall to check something out and it dropped when I left. :/

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:O I'm glad that none of my NC vanished I think I would have been "frothing at the mouth angry" *lol*

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