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I actually don't own any jeans, but I do usually wear pants(corduroy or camo). I think maybe someday I will start wearing skirts way more often but I really only wear vans/skate shoes and apparently that is frowned upon with skirts generally. Also I can't really wear my normal pants to church, something about not looking girly/proper enough :rolleyes_anim:

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I have to wear skirts to church too. If I didn't, I would stand out like a sore thumb. All the women in my church wear dresses or skirts. I have lots of basketball shorts and sweaat pants from like Victoria Secrets

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In the summer, I prefer to wear long skirt instead of shorts. In the summer, I work in the woods a lot, so I have to wear jeans or cargo pants to protect my legs from injury and bugs, but I'd still rather wear skirts if it's really hot out. That would go against safety regulations, though, so skirts are only for my free time.


I don't wear skirts in the winter. It was -23°C (0°F) when I went to work this morning. No amount of tights or leggings can possibly make that temperature tolerable. And, strangely, when I'm substitute teaching, I find I gain more respect from the students if I wear pants, so I don't even bother with skirts anymore when teaching.


I don't mind wearing a dress or skirt if I have to dress up, like to go to a party, but that is rare. Still, I only wear long skirts.

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I dont wear jeans unless i have to. I prefer skirts. It can get a little cold.


I second this. I never, ever wear jeans. I almost always wear skirts or dresses, but also love dress pants. Jeans feel too slob-ish to me, but I am also a clothes addict. I LOVE dressing up, even if it's just to go pick up groceries.

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I second this. I never, ever wear jeans. I almost always wear skirts or dresses, but also love dress pants. Jeans feel too slob-ish to me, but I am also a clothes addict. I LOVE dressing up, even if it's just to go pick up groceries.

Yes! *internet high-five* The material of jeans is awkward to me, I don't know, if my hand brushes up against them I get the chills, and not in a good way. I can't remember the last time I wore jeans. Which is pretty pathetic, but oh well.

I dress up practically everywhere I go. Even doctor's appointments. I don't do so to look attractive in the winkwink nudgenudge sense to people, I just don't like going places without proper clothes on.


What am I doing, I have to go write a paper. AUGH FINALS.

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I second this. I never, ever wear jeans. I almost always wear skirts or dresses, but also love dress pants. Jeans feel too slob-ish to me, but I am also a clothes addict. I LOVE dressing up, even if it's just to go pick up groceries.



Me too, I hate jeans. I almost always wear a skirt. -nodnod-


Um, no... In all seriousness I ALWAYS wear jeans. I'm wearing jeans right now actually. xD

Because of this I have terribly pale legs so I hate having to wear shorts when i'm in gym class or wearing swimming trunks at a pool cause I get called casper, but whatever. xD

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It's currently 30 degrees here in Orlando, FL. It's 31 degrees in Albany, NY (where I'm from). WHAT?! I didn't move to Florida for colder weather than up north. And we don't have heat in my apartment, so it's 40 in here and I'm wearing a scarf and gloves. gah.


It's college math. And I have it for 8 hours which is literally torture on a good day. We learn things from oder of operations to how to balance a checkbook. The latter makes sense, since I'm a Music Business student, the first... not so much. Especially considering I mastered number lines and order of operations in first or second grade.


I also found out they changed PEMDAS. It's no longer "Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally" but "Pregnancy Ended My Days At School" -_-


I had a test yesterday too, at 5. It ended at 7 and then we had a break til 730. My phone died, and my computer, and I got done at 515 so I had to sit outside the classroom doing nothing for over an hour. Torture I tell you, Torture. And I had Pneumonia so I had to teach myself everything. Stupid accelerated Entertainment school -_-

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It's currently 30 degrees here in Orlando, FL. It's 31 degrees in Albany, NY (where I'm from). WHAT?! I didn't move to Florida for colder weather than up north. And we don't have heat in my apartment, so it's 40 in here and I'm wearing a scarf and gloves. gah.


I don't mean to laugh, but... :laughingsmiley: I'm in Colorado and it's 60 degrees here. We've been teasing my in-laws because they're in Florida, and it's been tons colder there, than here.

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We got rare December snow here in Middle Tennessee. There's snow on the ground and school has been cancelled for the past two days.


However, my finals were not cancelled. pout




Edit: I spell 'cancelled' with two 'l's because it just looks better to me that way :)

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I spell it that way too most of the time.


We've only gotten one decent snow storm so far. But we tend to get the worst of them, later in the season. Like last winter, we got an actual blizzard, in the end of March, as most people were finally getting Spring weather.

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Colorado can never make up it's mind. In the morning when I leave for work, the cars are covered in frost and it's 10 degrees. Then it's sunny and 55-60 degrees by noon. I usually end up throwing on jeans and a sweater, then getting way too hot.

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It's been flurry-ing here for a few days, thankfully nothing has accumulated. I have what I affectionately refer to as "Lawsuit Stairs" leading out of my apartment and when they get snow them, well, let's just say that I have fallen down them more than once. (When your landlord finds you in a freezing pile on the bottom on the stairs with your limbs twisted in every direction, an interesting conversation is about to happen.)

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No more snow for me for a while. Thank you. I was in Minnesota visiting my brother a week ago and that was enough snow for a couple months for me. It took us 3 hours to make a 45 minute trip. I was glad to get back home to NJ. Apparently it's 21 now but there's no precipitation on the horizon thankfully.

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Man I hope it starts snowing in CO soon, I'm going there at the end of the month and I want some POWDER SNOW!


Where in Colorado will you be going? Are you making a ski/snowboard trip, or are you just hoping to have some snow otherwise?

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I was in Minnesota visiting my brother a week ago and that was enough snow for a couple months for me. It took us 3 hours to make a 45 minute trip. I was glad to get back home to NJ. Apparently it's 21 now but there's no precipitation on the horizon thankfully.

Was that snow scary or what? My friend that goes to the U of Minnesota said that they didn't even cancel class for Monday, despite the feet of snow still around! Although, because it gets so cold there, they have tunnels underground connecting most of the buildings! Something I wish we had at UNL~ :(

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