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Step Five

Shadaw the Rampage

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Meh, I quite liked the free books we were getting. I realise they aren't really that much use, but I like to keep my pets educated. xD

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I suppose that's true.


Man, these waves are clearing really slowly. Not much enthusiasm from most battlers I guess. :(


If TNT wants to seriously increase plot activity, they should announce that the battle will end (one way or another) two days from now, and that the prize for tier 100 is a Sword of Skardsden. :P

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They'res a possibility that the waves are clearing slowly because people like me are sitting waiting for some of the low end baddies can come out so that we have a shot of getting the achievement before the later enemies just get too hard. Because they're only bringing out two enemies at a time, and they're not the lower ones I know I'm sitting tight...and getting slightly peeved!

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I guess that still falls under 'not much enthusiasm from most battlers'. xD The structure of the waves in this plot step, as well as the associated achievements, have been really detrimental to the effectiveness of Neopia as a fighting force. We end up waiting for specific opponents instead of taking down as many as we can. I wonder... nah, couldn't be.


Incidentally, one of the things Brynn says on the battle page is:

We haven't got enough soldiers to hold them off forever! Perhaps Meridell can come to our aid.


A hint as to what'll happen in the next chapter perhaps?

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If TNT wants to seriously increase plot activity, they should announce that the battle will end (one way or another) two days from now, and that the prize for tier 100 is a Sword of Skardsden. :P


Naw, those that could affect to that wouldn't bother. They could instead sell one of their precious Krawk Trans Mogs or soething and get one. But what about a SuAP? :P

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I've just realised that I messed up - going for the 6 one - killed a ton of the minions, but then killed two of the next one because I wasn't concentrating thus breaking the first chance I'd had to start the chain - not happy!


EDIT: Or will it - does it have to be a direct chain or can I get away with that? I think the answer is gonna be that I have to start again, which is an annoyance as I don't know if I'll see another minion now but anyone know differently?

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You do not have to restart all you have to do is get them in order.


I litterally went to sleep alfter killing the minion and the destroyer then woke up 12 hours later and finished it. losses do not break the chain. what you should do is write out IN ORDER which ones you've fought then defeat them. when you do cross the name off. or put a X next to the name encase you screw up that way you dont have to remake a whole new list ;)

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Man, these waves are clearing really slowly. Not much enthusiasm from most battlers I guess. :(

It's not so much lack of enthusiasm as the fact that the foes have become much more difficult for everyone who's been fighting steadily. Fewer people can continue defeating them, and those who can are taking much longer to do it. It's now taking me as much as eight or nine turns to beat the Destroyers--they have around 4500 hit points now. Progress is mostly coming from those who are grinding away relatively slowly, from people hitting new boosts/getting new weapons, and from new people joining in. Those are sources that can run dry--people hit the wall on foes they can defeat, they run out of points for training and weapons, and there can't be that many who are interested in fighting who haven't already started.


Current kills--


Minions: 1002

Destroyers: 930

Brutes: 520

Conquerors: 207

Furies: 492

Zealots: 101


Total: 3252

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*applauds* Gratz Balance, one of the most wins anyone with that strong pet has bothered to gather.


That said, I'll post my final stats only now. so now you won't get to look at awe in my scores with my pathetic pet! Mwahaha.




Just a note to anyone: The battling most likely end tonight (Possibly any time now), so get your Deedsd and caps done!

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*applauds* Gratz Balance, one of the most wins anyone with that strong pet has bothered to gather.


That said, I'll post my final stats only now. so now you won't get to look at awe in my scores with my pathetic pet! Mwahaha.




Just a note to anyone: The battling most likely end tonight (Possibly any time now), so get your Deedsd and caps done!


Then theres throughs of us who sold our stuff going "id rather have the np" then the war start and it became "i really wish i hadnt of done that"


and i would if i could but im a bit stuck due to my weapons and armorment not helping me much anymore.


Oddly enough i found that i can get really lucky in battling even without a freezer by just strong arming them. Im making slow but steady progress.

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I got a draw against the zealot - which is enough for me for the minute as it means I can get the two achievements providing I pay attention this time! I'm fine while I have burrow and sink, but then the zealot is just doing too much damage and I'm not doing enough!

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Phew! I actually managed to cap!


If anyone's interested, my stats are HP 168, strength 68, defence negligible. I used a prickly potion, psellias fighting fan, greater healing scroll, and downsize. And the faerie abilites sink, burrow, drain life, and healing vapour were indispensible. If you're like me, you can cap too! :) 68 strength has the same affect as anything 55 and over, but the HP was really really necessary. Wish I had more. Oh, and I had to draw a ton of times to cap as well xD




(Hi, by the way! I haven't been posting on here for the plot so far, I've been more active on the boards, but here I am now. Hope everyone gets what they're aiming for :))

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Just try your best, Zia. =]


I need 4 more for Conquerors, 9 more for Zealots. They're killing me pretty steadily now, but I can still scrape draws. And even if draws are worth less than wins, I'll still have capped.

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