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think of it like a grenade that works with a orbiting satellite to nuke things. though in the interests of being ontopic. if you guys are struggling two bows of the hegelob will more than handle them.

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Aren't weapons effectiveness based on your pet's attack level? Or does it not matter?


Been using a Scarab Ring (best 6k I spent) and either a Quela Bomb or a Fiery Catapult.


weapons are effected by strength boost. but in this case the bows are harder to block by all of the opponents and more icons = more damage. thats why in the battlepedia they usually go "ugh 2 icons?! buy a scarab ring instead"!


http://battlepedia.thedailyneopets.com/index.php/weapon/viewweap/2592/ <- one of 10 bajillion examples that makes me go "ugh!" because scarab ring is so overly mentioned. great item i have one and i dont dare mock it. but i wish tnt would make a slightly better albiet cheaper verson of the scarab ring to give use some variety.


ps: im sorry battledome staff, im sorry battledome staff, im sorry battledome staff {repeats this like a mantra}


So does anyone have advice on at least getting the minimum five for the furies? I'm hoping to get to five brutes with draws. My pet only has 15hp, so the furies seem impossible. (Strength at 21, defense at 15, main weapons are scarab rings and patched magic hat) I'm increasing her hp through training, but I don't think there's enough time to get it where it needs to be. I only have 300k, but am not willing to spend it all on expensive weapons, especially at the inflated prices. I'm thinking I'm just out of luck for this plot :P


Well, I broke what passes for the battledome's wee little brain for a while. It was convinced that Waedd was in a battle, despite having finished the fight, and despite trying to withdraw at the status page. I finally got my brother to challenge me, then withdrew from that fight, and it came unstuck.


That aside, even the minions have nearly 2000 hit points for me now. The furies have more than 2000, and the brutes are over 3000. It's taking longer to whittle them down. Plus, I'm getting rather tired, and having to actually pay attention to the fights rather than clicking through. I'm still pushing, though.


Oh, and Mr. Sirius has returned the Ylana's Blaster, having given a few more wraiths a good, stern zapping. :)


Current totals:






I am tired of these guys. They are still cute but waaay overpowerful for me atm


Would it be any trouble to borrow any strong weapons from someone so I can cap the furies? I've been using golden compass and scarab ring to beat them, but now I just can't get past them with the high health and my sucky pet stats. I'll scrap up some collateral for a Ylana's Blaster or something that'll get me the win with my gelert. Any advice or tips on reaching the cap is also muchly appreciated. :)



T8 Prize: Thick Smoke Bomb


Wait, tier NINE?? -_- I'm not going on the NeoBoards for a while.


The 8th tier prize is a swift kick in the.. oh wait no its just a ..... Thick Smoke Bomb


Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo not a 9th tier!


I was really hoping we were done....... :crying:


I've given up. This is beyond a joke now. I haven't capped any, because I simply wasn't prepared/not a regular in the BD. I haven't fought all day, (going by UK time, lol)

Though I'm happy with what I've done so far, ahha


urg i cannot beleave were still at this its been a five day seige i dont care what anyone says, despite the fact we cant pick sides i offically declare this not a plot step but a WAR STEP! {loud thunder and angels singing a heavenly tune at the same time to point out the chaos of this}


I may be the person who's chuffed as with the extra time for training I may be able to get closer to the cap!!!


I'm wondering how long tier nine will take. Tier 8 took about a day, right? It seems like less and less people are battling. What happens if we just stop fighting? Do the wraiths win or does someone else step in to save the day?


It's possible that the challengers will remain--and tiers continue to be added, if we continue to beat them--throughout the entire plot. I don't think it's likely, but it's not inconceivable. If so, I will continue pounding on them for as long as I can for the sake of the common cause ( and because I'm greedy for the bonus prizes). I'm still nowhere near my limits; it's just taking much longer to beat them now.


I assume TNT will just say "Uh, er, well... see, the users NEOMAGICALLY defeated ALL the wraiths and now everyone is happy and can move on with the plot. :D"


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