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Woo ho! I finally just eeked out my brute cap (with many losses thrown in there saddly) and now I just need 8 more for my furry cap. I think I can, I think I can! Now I just have to be around when the furrys show up again.


im just waiting on some furys now to get a little over the cap with that. then im going to return balance's gun otherwise ill forget and i dont want to forget ^^;;


Wowza, there is actually going to be a final boss? =O


Exciting :) Please make his difficulty be 150 or less :S

Plot bosses are generally not like the rest of the challengers. In the past, they've generally started with many thousands of hit points and special uber-weapons. Even the most powerful battlers can't hope to beat them in a straight fight; instead, they get whittled down as people fight them and lose.


The Lost Desert plot had a gimmick that involved acquiring a plot weapon that made the boss vulnerable, as I recall, but he was still bad news.


Some past plot bosses:


The Bringer, from Hannah and the Ice Caves

Razul, the Lost Desert plot boss

Mayor Thumburt (Tale of Woe boss), First Form, Second Form, and Final Form


ETA: I'd nag you, Shadaw. :)

I'm glad it's helping, at least.


Just thinking aloud, but it would make sense if it ended at midnight since it will take about that long to get to the end of this tier. Otherwise, since the news came out, then maybe not til tomorrow? I know a lot of people are getting to the limit of what they can beat so I'm sure its slowing down.


Plot bosses are generally not like the rest of the challengers. In the past, they've generally started with many thousands of hit points and special uber-weapons. Even the most powerful battlers can't hope to beat them in a straight fight; instead, they get whittled down as people fight them and lose.


The Lost Desert plot had a gimmick that involved acquiring a plot weapon that made the boss vulnerable, as I recall, but he was still bad news.


Some past plot bosses:


The Bringer, from Hannah and the Ice Caves

Razul, the Lost Desert plot boss

Mayor Thumburt (Tale of Woe boss), First Form, Second Form, and Final Form


ETA: I'd nag you, Shadaw. :)

I'm glad it's helping, at least.


at least i keep saying it right in the open i cant think of any better assurance to the point that you'll get it back lol. and its helped a lot. i just need about 10 more fury kills and ill be good lol



10k wraiths left for over 5 minutes lol XD if you need wraiths nows the time.


don't forget Lord Kass from Battle for Meridell, I'm at 19 furies, I want to give up D:


204 shadows 65 brutes 38 furys. the blaster helped but without another 13 iconer there just too strong for me right now. the real problem is i need to train my pet more. :P by the time im done tonight ill have exactly 100hp.


Nice to see this active again! Was dead for over an hour before I headed off to bed lol


My HP is only 36, btw :P


Minions: 69 (67 wins, 2 draws on accident)

Brutes: 42 (27 wins, 15 draws)

Furys: 26 (16 wins, 10 draws)




ya sorry it was dead because i wasnt talking. i dont double post and theres not a whole lot to say right now


Yeah, I hate double posting. The only time I do it is if I say something, then reply to something said while I was in the process of making the first post.




double posting is actually agenst the rules too. use the edit button if you want to add something. please neomail the moder... wait sorry XD having onee of thoughs moments where i type what im thinking.


double posting is actually agenst the rules too. use the edit button if you want to add something. please neomail the moder... wait sorry XD having onee of thoughs moments where i type what im thinking.


Lol. I used to admin a chat site and forum, and most rules are universal. When it comes to answering someone's question, I've always been lenient on double-posting because that person is obviously waiting for an answer, and the chance that they won't notice your reply edited into your first post is too great to even bother editing, so I just start a new reply with the answer. I've been on the other end of this situation, which is why I adopted this particular procedure. I hated that people would keep replying to the thread, without answering my specific question, only to realize it was answered long ago via an edit.




ya. i used to admin a site called vega psionics. dont ask. anyways ya i know all about what its like to moderate and get asked questions on a daily basis.


not that this isnt a conversation i actually like we do need to aim back more to the actual plot thread that this is. :P other people are starting to make there own threads. {shakes fist at thoughs people} MY MONOPOLY! XD jk lol


Don't worry Shadaw... I think you have some loyal customers here :D


I just got back from Bingo with the hubs... because spending quality time together doesn't include BOTH of us waring wtih shadow creatures in seperate rooms lol


I was offered illusions blade last week for 800k... and i'm kind of wishing I'd have taken that offer!!!! I'm thinking the resale on it could be awesome!


Does anyone think that ties are going to be worth less plot points?


DEFINATELY tieing and making it so the level doesnt go up and you still get points for it? i specially borrowed that blaster from balance, and just returned it. btw thank you for that. and killed enough furys to make up for the fact i lost about 4 times and drew with them about 5.


Maybe but quite frankly, thats most of what I was pulling off towards the end of the caps. So really, I'm just glad they count in general.


Shadaw has duly returned the Blaster, like the honorable warrior he is, having pwned at least a few more wraiths for the cause. :)


I'm still pounding on them, though the pace is definitely slowing. The Furies are still easy prey, for as long as they last, but the Brutes are starting to take as many as 5 turns occasionally, and sometimes they manage to reduce Waedd to half his hit points, despite my use of less aggressive tactics. They're still not a threat, since I haven't dipped into my healing yet, but it's even more tedious than before.


Also, I'm running low on movies. It'll be on to TV series next. I figure the whole Avatar series ought to get me through a few hundred more fights, at least. I haven't watched this much TV at my computer since the second Altador Cup.


Current Count:


Minions: 2350

Brutes: 991

Furies: 223


Wow, you and your little blue koi and kicking butt. Haha, its punny since your koi is sad right now too presumably from so many fights with the shadows and such.


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