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The Philosophical Difference Between 'Noob' and 'Newb'

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Newb: Hi, I'm new to this site!


Nub: lol i'm funny.


Hi I'm Apple, how are you this fine day? I've been technically using TheDailyNeopet...I don't know forever? I was just too lazy to make a forum account until now.

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Hello there Apple, you can call me Will. I'd like to be the first to welcome you to the community of TDNF.


First off, I'd just like to remind you to check out the rules page if you haven't already yet. Our mods here are pretty cool, but they won't be too happy if you break the rules too often ;)


Other than that, I'd like to invite you to explore the forum. We have the boards dedicated to Neopets, which I'm sure you know about. We also have some boards just to talk about whatever, which I encourage you to check out, because it's where you can find a lot more of the regulars, though there are still quite a few in the Neopets boards.


So, that's about all I can think about right now, so I hope you'll enjoy the community here at the forum and I hope to see you around.


Oh yeah, and nice set :yes:

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G'day there! I'm a moderator here; you can call me by name (Cameron) or just my screenname, whatever suits. Welcome to the forums! And yes, as Will said, you have an awesome set. :O


Hope you enjoy the forums. Do remember to check out the rules and such...small things like bumping an inactive topic, making posts that are less than seven words or double-posting are easy to trip up on.


All the best!



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Hi Apple.

It's a pleasure to you here


As it's been told, read and abide the rules

Please don't disobey them, or the Mods

Pretty near everyone here will help you, if you need help

Lots of cool things here at TDN

Enjoy you're permanent stay.


Like my poem?

And Secre, here's a n00b:

(Viewer discretion is advised.




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Hey Apple! Welcome to the forum! I'm Angel, from the Philippines. How are you? :)


Why I'm excellent. That's a pretty name. :)


And Secre, here's a n00b:

HAHA! HA! That's real funny, but you're missing some 1's in the end there (!!!1!11!1!one!11!).

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Haha, well, you've certainly been greeted by quite a set of characters, haven't you? :laughingsmiley: Well, I'll assume I don't have to tell you that we're friendly people. But since it seems no one has done so yet, I WILL direct you to the snack table. *points left* I live under there with Laura. :yes: She eats toes. So watch out!

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Haha, well, you've certainly been greeted by quite a set of characters, haven't you? :laughingsmiley: Well, I'll assume I don't have to tell you that we're friendly people. But since it seems no one has done so yet, I WILL direct you to the snack table. *points left* I live under there with Laura. :yes: She eats toes. So watch out!


Bah, I wasn't using those toes anyway. If I really need to walk I'll just glue some baby carrots down there.

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