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Whoops there goes my neopoints.


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I haven't been too active on neopets lately (Art school. Yea woo!), so imagine my surprise when I see 1.5 million missing from my bank today! Oddly, nothing else on my account is missing except for the neopoints in my bank and I don't recall clicking any strange links. I changed my password anyway.

I'm just wondering how or exactly what I should send to TNT to let them know I lost all my NP? Either I'm blind or there isn't a place where you can report someone getting into your account?

Not really expecting to get any neopoints back. Just feel like I should let them know anyway. Thanks.

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This seems to be happening to quite a few people the last few days.


I have a couple questions: When you get online, is your password saved, or do you have to type it?


And second, do you use a PIN number?


And go to the Contact Us link at the bottom, and submit a ticket.

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You're right, they're not going to return your neopoints. If you report the incident, chances are that the account will be frozen and you'll have to go through the whole she-bang to *maybe* get it returned.


While you still have access, you should write down all that you can to prove that it's you in case they self froze (neofriends, items etc).


Sorry for you loss. You'll rebuild in no time! <3

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I know, right? I wonder what's going on.

Yea, my password is saved. Probably not safe at all, which is why I'm not very upset. I had it coming.

I didn't have a Pin for my bank, but I did for a couple other things.

& Thanks. But I don't know exactly which category to report this kind of stuff. I didn't lose my account. Just some neopoints. Mainly curious to see if they can track the person who got in my account.


Hrtbrk- Yea. I'm getting off my lazy bum and taking screenshots of my stuff, finally. Thank you. :-) I'm thankful it wasn't a huge loss. My neopets are more important than the NPs anyway.

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Oh gee, it's too bad you lost all your NP! Getting a PIN on your bank account is a good idea. At least only your NP is gone. Good luck going through the process!

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I've just taken the general advice and set a PIN before anything happens...never seen the need for it before but by the sounds of it it may be needed...

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Yes, I think that would be best to do! I'm assuming why whoever was in my account didn't really do much was because I had my pin set on a bunch of other things.

Sorry to hear that, maldoror122. Don't worry! You will get those neopoints back in no time!

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  • 9 months later...

Just something to add, using a pin on your bank account does not work.

I have had all of my neopoints stolen twice in the last year and all of my items.

I have separate pins on both my bank account and my sdb.

My password is impossible for someone to just guess, plus I don't know a single person who uses neopets or would have access to my computer.


So, there's probably someone hacking into people's accounts in some way and overriding passwords and pins.

Which completely sucks.


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