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Lenny Faeries are so pretty. Congrats with it Domino. ^_^ I am still zapping my Shadow Kacheek, hoping to get some good zaps.


I haven't had any good zaps in awhile. I now have a Yellow Kougra. I wish that would get zapped Faerie. That would be awesome.


Faerie Kougras look awesome. :O But not better than faerie Draiks. :wub_anim:


Faerie Xweetoks look very pretty too. :yes:


I wish there weren't any 'zap only' colors. I somewhat like the Chocolate color, and a paint brush would look pretty good.


Me too. I really would like to get able to get an Ice Hissi, or a Robot Ixi. And those aren't available from the FFQ either.


Ice Hissis look so awesome. :O I like Robot Xweetoks too.


In case of zaps, my luck is hard as some rock. <_<


I got my best zaps with the Korbat. :laughingsmiley: Go figure. Though I have gotten a few LE pets. I zapped a Kiko and a Chomby.


:laughingsmiley: My only good zaps were Cloud Jubjub from a Kacheek, and a Shadow Kacheek from a Jubjub. Kinda matches.


Uh, I know this was a bit ago, but to answer your question Spritzie about the Attic...


Lost Desert Draik Eggs are 700K. Others are way cheaper, um, if I remember correctly, more like in the 300K range. I've never actually seen them RS though. I'm not sure about the Krawk potions. Lots of other potions RS though.


Most of the expensive stuff I've gotten there is pretty hard to sell.


Speaking of which, is anyone saving up for the lab map or does everyone already have it? I have piece number 2 and would sell it for a discount of course. Sorry if that's a little tacky of me to mention. Of course I got the piece in a RE after I decided to buy them all.


The only good zap I've gotten is Rainbow for my Shoyru (he was Speckled before).


Ohhh! I didn't realize they stocked other Draik Eggs, I'd only heard of Desert ones. I must go stalk it a little later.


I'll have to check it out for a few restocks, before I try for anything.


I already have the lab map. I'm going to getting it for my main account, but not quite yet. I don't mind it being mentioned here. Also, try on the advertising an item, post. That would be another place to post it.


I think there are Draik potions too. I've even heard mention of the Bony Grarrl Club being stocked there. I was under the impression that the Lost Desert Draik Egg is the most expensive thing there, though that could have changed. I always have 1 mil out when I'm RSing in the attic, just in case.


If you're going for the attic, have you seen this petpage with all the times? The neoboard is helpful but sometimes there's a lag between timekeepers. It's helpful though if you're trying to look for patterns for the time of day because timekeepers keep track of when it RSes and what items are stocked. I'm not sure about those myself. It's in the help section. I've played timekeeper before. :laughingsmiley: The current one is here.


Sorry if you knew all this already... the attic is one of the few things I've tried a lot on neopets, so I like talking about it. :laughingsmiley:



I just found this petpage, which has a list of the times the attic RSed, but it's kinda old. The newest data is from May. :/


I haven't seen any of those. I haven't messed with it at all. I'm going to check out the links and give it a shot today. I hope to get a Draik something. Thank you for the links.


But also, the Attic doesnt restock every time. People on the Neoboards say that it once went something like 4 hours without restocking!!


And I have the lap map and have gotten 3 GOOD zaps: Koi species change, Disco color change, and Robot color change. The Robot was on my very first zap on that pet!!


I've now seen it stock a 3rd time, but there was nothing cool in that one. And so far, hasn't restocked again.


My very first color change, was Blue Shoryu, to Ice Shoyru. I think Kau to Korbat was my first species change.


Ugh it must be annoying to see it RS when there is nothing good. Such a shame. And I meant that honestly! REALLY!


NICE! ICEEEEEE! I want! :laughingsmiley:


My Shoyru just got zapped to a Yellow Yurble today, so I got the avatar.


It usually RSes about once an hour, but sometimes it will twice in a row or like you said take 4 hours. You never know.


I'm going to try to keep on top of it for awhile. See if I can't get something. Anything. (And by anything, I mean a Draik Egg or MP of course.)


My Disco Kacheek zapped into a Yellow Mynci. Yucky. :sick01: I started zapping her again in hopes of something Draik worthy if not a Draik itself!!!!!! :wub_anim:


GOOD LUCK SPRITZIE!!! You will so get a Draik Egg with your patience.


:laughingsmiley: I don't know if I'm that patient. I haven't been able to keep this up for more than like, 45 minutes so far.


Goodness! ONLY 45 minutes! :P I would probably have sat there for ONE RS and then said, "Ok this boring. Im outta here!"


I have a hard time with the attic myself. I usually miss an RS or two because I get too easily distracted between RS times. :laughingsmiley:


It was like that for me with Tarla. :laughingsmiley: I would be hanging out refreshing on the Neoboards and then I would get bored for 10 minutes, and then as soon as I come back, I find that I JUST missed her. I got so frustrated. :sad02:


It restocked again at 12:32, but my computer was lagging, and by the time it refresh, there was only a couple items left.

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