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Meh, I = scared of Neoboards. :sad01_anim: I don't like the people there. They are rude and all.


I will be still looking for a Draik, thank you. ^_^


That's why I avoid the Neoboards too. But it will be worth it, to get a Draik. (Hopefully I don't go crazy first)


Ughhh Neoboards is so annoying but here is how I do it: I go on and if someone is rude to me they dont get the Krawk. Simple as that. :yes: One person posted this on a board that I had made for the Krawk, "Offer: VWN Maraquan Draik with BD stats. Just kidding, its to good for you." :grrr:


I can't believe someone would do that. Actually, yes I can. People are just that way. Which is why I don't like the Neoboards. But it's my best chance right now.


Yeah it is. Unfortunately. But its ok, there are a lot of nice people there...maybe not a lot. But some!


That's why I still have hope I'll get one soon. I just have a hard time dealing with those people that are rude. :laughingsmiley:


I know! They are so annoying! And sorry I was gone for so long, I was looking for your Draik/doing my hw. I actually had hw that time! :laughingsmiley:


:laughingsmiley: It's okay. Having any luck? With either one? I need to go get the work boxes locked up. I don't think the last emails are coming through in time.


I never actually tried the boards. :guiltysmiley: Maybe I should give it a try. :laughingsmiley: Wish me luck guys.


Kinda having luck. Most people dont like the BN. Grrr. I saw this girl trading a UC Royal Girl Draik. WOAH! :ohno:


You should Anisha! Good luck!


UC Royal Draik? :O *faints*


I am looking for any type of Draik, no matter what the color. I might paint it later. :yes:


Same with me Anisha, unless somehow, I manage a color I really like. (Like the current is Purple) But I'd probably end up with a basic color, and I'd paint it Camo until I could buy a Faerie PB.


A camo Draik would be awesome. :yes: They look adorable.

As you are a total richie rich :laughingsmiley: you can buy the Faerie PB. I lack NPs.


It's all dark in this hospital, and I can barely see my key board. I must have made many mistakes. *blink*


Pfft. I am not. I've just been playing a lot of games.


And nope. That was a flawlessly typed post with no typos.


I love Camo Draik's. I think my favorites are Faerie, Maraquan, and Camo. I think.


You are patient enough to play games. But I am not. :P


Still, I am checking each of my post. I make too many mistakes. *checks again and again* :laughingsmiley:


Mine are probably Maraquan, Faerie, Plushie and Camo.


The Plushie Draik is cute, but not a favorite.


As my husband always says, I love tedious things. I love playing the games. But I only play the ones I get 1k from fairly easily, or if I enjoy them.


I get bored playing games a lot.


I don't like the neoboards much, but I think they're helpful for some things. I'll probably go there when I'm looking for expensive avatar lends.


There's some games I just can't stand, and can't play more than a couple times. But I just have fun with it. It gets me NP, and gives me something to do when I'm bored.


I should get back to playing some. I got discouraged when the ratios changed though.


I have a list of all my favorite games, and easy 1k games, back from the 8 scores thing. And when the ratios change, I make a list of each one, and the score required. Then I focus on the ones I can still get 1k on.


Oh hey... I just noticed that Math's Nightmare is back down again. :laughingsmiley:


Thanks Spritzie, you inspired me to play some games.


Yay! I'm glad. I'm going to have to go check Math's Nightmare now. How low is it? I quit checking it, because it never went down. (Like Faerie Bubbles hasn't gone down in months.)


Well, according to the two guide sites I use, it's down to 200. (big change!) I got excited and didn't double check my last submission though to make sure I got 1000 NP.


When I play games, I use this guide and this guide for ratios/getting 1000 NP more easily.




Hey do you guys think it's worth it to buy a Wheel of Excitement Stamp and see if the price goes up later? They're on the TP for around 650K (100K less than donating to the wheel).

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