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Draik Lair


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I will let Spritzie or Divya have the first Draik, then I will go for mine. I can wait. :yes: I am going either for a faerie Draik, or Maraquan.

P.S. I just forgot, I am not watching this topic. :O *Clicks watch button*


And, our school has strong dressing codes. You can't wear anything except for the uniform, which is a cream greyish, checkered.


Not 24 hours has passed, and we are in page 3. Yay! ^_^

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I will let Spritzie or Divya have the first Draik, then I will go for mine. I can wait. :yes: I am going either for a faerie Draik, or Maraquan.

P.S. I just forgot, I am not watching this topic. :O *Clicks watch button*


And, our school has strong dressing codes. You can't wear anything except for the uniform, which is a cream greyish, checkered.


Not 24 hours has passed, and we are in page 3. Yay! ^_^


I'm still trying for mine. :| *Checks Neomail* Nothing yet.


The only schools here that have uniforms, are the private schools, or religious.


I know! It's doing very well. :)

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My school WAS so laid back until the new principal came in. Now we cant wear shorts that are less that 3 inches below our butt. What a tragedy! Believe me, it is for some of the girls! :rolleyes_anim:


I am so proud of us 3! Yayyyy!


And Anisha, go ahead and try for a Draik! I am only searching for Spritzie and I am zapping one of my pets for one. Maybe I will make another pet with a better name that I can zap in hopes of something Draik worthy...Wow, that was a long sentence.

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I know. That's just horrible, isn't it? :laughingsmiley:


It would be awesome if you zapped a Draik. (I think that's possible. I've heard both ways.) My current lab pet would be a perfect Faerie Draik, considering the colors.

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Our school is probably private. Meh, our principal is a male one, he never allows us to do anything. All he does is shouting, and shouting, and ... some more shouting. :rolleyes_anim:


Okay, I might try to get a Draik. That would be awesome. Thanks Divya. I am currently zapping my cloud Jubjub. *zaps* No luck. :/

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I actually made the pet that I am zapping for my specific purpose, but then I stopped zapping her when she turned into a Disco Kacheek. But now I am zapping her again because I really want a Draik and I think that she is WN (Vaurelya). So far, she has turned into a Yellow Mynci. <_<

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Awww. I love Cloud Jubjubs. I painted my Blue Jubjub Cloud, to go with the Blue Kookith she had. My Shadow Kacheek got zapped into a Yellow Kougra today.


And I still haven't heard anything, Divya. She hasn't been on in 5 days.

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Ooohhh thats a perfect match! Cloud Jubjub and a Blue Kookith! :wub_anim: Oooooh well that isnt a terrible change. Kougras arent that bad. Actually, Myncis arent either. But I just hate a YELLOW Mynci! They look like pee! :laughingsmiley:

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My Kougra is yellow. Nothing was as bad as my Kau being zapped into a Korbat. Go figure, I get all the cool color zaps, with a Korbat.


I'm really hoping my Kacheek will become a Draik, though I know it's very, very unlikely.

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I might keep the Cloud Jubjub, they just look so adorable. I think I am going to zap my other Shadow Kacheek. :yes:


And :laughingsmiley: I don't like Myncis. They aren't that bad though.

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Spritzie-I am not going for a Draik exactly. Just something Draik WORTHY. Like a good pet with a FABULOUS color! Can you zap Krawks from the ray?


Ansiha - Hehe you and Spritzie are matching! Or used to be. Cloud Jubjubs and Shadow Kacheeks!

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I love Cloud Jubjub's. Personally, they're the only Cloud pet I really like. They're unique. That's why I like them... instead of being covered in a cloud pattern, they are the cloud.

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I don't like the colors like that. I like colors where each one is different, like Faerie, Christmas, Royal, Maraquan.


And if I end up with a Draik MP, I might use it on my Kacheek. Since I'm loving the idea of the name.


You have a much better chance of getting a Draik worthy trade, than a Draik from the lab.

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Another really good one is actually Chocolate. But it all depends on how much effort was put into the design...


Same! I love the name of Vaurelya for a Faerie Draik (if I got a Draik MP AND a Faerie PB somehow!)


Yeah, I know. I just wish that you could zap UCs from the lab! That would be awesome!

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They don't seem to consistently put effort into the Chocolate. A bunch are really nicely done, and a bunch aren't.


That would be a perfect name. Faerie PBs are pretty reasonable. Only 4.5 million-ish. :laughingsmiley:


That would be cool too. But... of course it can't happen.

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They don't seem to consistently put effort into the Chocolate. A bunch are really nicely done, and a bunch aren't.


That would be a perfect name. Faerie PBs are pretty reasonable. Only 4.5 million-ish. :laughingsmiley:


That would be cool too. But... of course it can't happen.


Yeah, thats the problem. And because it is a lab color only. :(


Haha I seem to remember a time when they were around 1.5 million. Maybe its just my imagination...


Ughhh I know. I love UCs though. They are so cool.

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I know. I really wish PB prices would go down. Specifically, Maraquan, Faerie, and Island. I'd love to have a Faerie and Maraquan Draik. There's a bunch of pets I'd love to have painted those colors.

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Anisha - Noooo I dont think so I just seem to be remembering when this page said it was. And woah! Usuki PBs are now only 1.5 mil? I thought they were SUPER expensive!


Spritzie - SAME!!!

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Wow. In some cases I am not complaining, but in others I am! PB prices seem to have gone down though. But the last time I checked, Christmas PBs were 18k! But that was when they were released in the Advent Calender.

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:laughingsmiley: I am not a fan of Usuki PBs, sorry. But I might try some.


Back to some Draik-ish topic! :O How did you guys knew about someone trying to trade Draik? Neoboards?


Divya, don't freak. Just report yourself, okay? :)

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Yeah, on the Neoboards, there's a section for the pound. I found the last person, by browsing people trading Draiks. I saw one was looking for a Krawk, so I gave it a shot. And she liked it. (But we're doubtful on that one now.)

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