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What's your main way of making NP? Do you have a level 50 Habitarium?


When I was saving (and it's the same now) I primarily played games. I played games, sold pretty much everything I could get my hands on, and did my dailies.


Once you get your Habitarium to level 50, that will be a huge help.


Depending on your computer, if you can let Habi run while you play games, that's a nice boost. Normally, on an average day, without Habi, I could make about 60-70k with games. With Habi and games, I generally average around 150k+.


:D You're welcome. I saw you had the petpet I didn't have for my gallery, so it helped both of us.


Hey Draik Lair!! Wow it's been dead in here... Sorry I poofed! I've been super busy this summer and I totally forgot about checking TDN for ages!


Anyways... my draiks have gone through quite a few changes since!


First, I painted Hydraea DESERT... and this was my temporary customization that I had for her:



Then, I realized that water pbs were down to 5.5mil so I bought one a few days later (I think I actually overpaid xD)... so now she is WATER!! FINALLY!! Here is her current customization (left) and her final customization (right).


( http://impress.openn.../outfits/242019 for the animated version)



Also... I updated Levithien's customization too! I love all these new underwater items that have come out lately since when I first got him, there was a really small selection of items for maraquan customizations! I was worried that my future maraquan pets would all look the same xD.




Spritzie: The maractite Kazeriu is really pretty and fitting! I'm not sure I LOVE Kazerius so I might keep looking and pray for more water/maractite petpets to be released (I'd love a ukali for her!). As for now, I gave her this new friend:

candychan_red.gifMeet Wintere the Candychan!! I got her from the Art Gallery today and I panicked a lot/almost had a heart attack xD. I was already overly excited because I was getting my Iscas Dress to finish my customization which I had been searching for for a while now... and when I went to my inventory to send the trade, I found this sitting there!


I'm actually growing really attached to it because it's SO CUTE, but luckily, it doesn't match my pet at all so I should be able to separate myself from it sometime in the future.


So anyways.. I've just been been sitting in a glow of happiness all day and as a result, have done nothing at all xD. I actually got a grey PB from the Art Gallery too which AT THE TIME, was the best prize I had ever gotten (out of like 55 wins)... then I got hit with the Candychan today. On top of that, I found a SLM#1 just an hour ago!! I don't know what is with my luck.. but I've been so ecstatic all day that I've given myself a huge headache and I don't know if my nerves can take any more of this xD



Soooo sorry for the really long post. I'll try to drop by here a lot more! I hope everyone comes back too :(. I really love this place and seeing everyone's beautiful draiks! I also created Monstrae today, who I am zapping for a MSP to trade, but also thinking about morphing into a zombie krawk or draik. And if a transparent draik ever comes out, that will be the next thing on my list! I really fell in love with transparent pets after drawing one, and sadly realized that I have no spooky pets!


Wow, you definitely had an incredibly lucky day!


I love all of the customizations, especially the Desert one.


Congrats on painting her Water! :D I can't believe prices have dropped that much.


I'm welcoming a new draik into the family! (though she's been my pet for 4 years)


Formerly a Royalgirl Peophin, I felt a change was needed, so I managed to snag a Water Draik MP for 9.5mil and morphed Aelthea :) I still have plans to morph + paint another pet to a Zombie Draik and another one Wraith. I'm still deciding which on them should get the transformation!


Grats on your new draik!! She's beautiful. I really love the wings and wig on her especially!


Water PBs are down to 3mil! Crazy! You would've been better off just getting a draik MP and then painting her xD. But I paid almost double that for my water pb just 2 weeks ago :/


And yay! We're reviving the topic sort of :)


By the way... the new Zylphia wig is SO ADORABLE on draiks. I think it's my favourite wig at the moment. I'm not sure if that's just from the novelty of having a new wig that I really want though xD. But I have an extra one and wont even trade it for a healing springs wig which I also really want so I guess I like it a lot :[




Everything looks so nice on draiks. I need to get another one :<




Both of them look absolutely gorgeous! I love the wings both of you used. (I totally need to just break down and buy the NP ones Aelthea is wearing)


Linsta, I love how shiny and glittery her customization is! The purple and teal look so nice together.




Both of them look absolutely gorgeous! I love the wings both of you used. (I totally need to just break down and buy the NP ones Aelthea is wearing)


Linsta, I love how shiny and glittery her customization is! The purple and teal look so nice together.


What are those wings called? Are they expensive? I should probably save for a while since I just spent 2mil on the bg I bought for Hydraea (and I still think I overpaid xD). I really want to buy some necklaces for her though since I only have the PB ones.


It looks a lot more glittery in the non-animated picture xD. But I must say I am absolutely in love with every single piece on her and it makes me very happy :)


They're the Beautiful Glowing Wings. They're a prize from the Faerie Caverns. There's 2 on the TP, one without a price and one listed at 1.5 million.



The only non-PB necklace I bought for Aitvara was the Silver Dubloon Necklace. I think it looks nice with a lot of customizations.



This thread always makes me miss my Draiks :( But I'm planning one as soon as I gather the neopoints and hopefully it will be a Royalboy Draik :)


Welcome to the Draik Lair Olivialaw :D Do you currently own a Draik, or plan to get one, or generally a Draik fan?


Rebeka, have you had any luck getting you account back so you don't have to get another Draik?


Alright so what did I miss? :D


I had the craziest thought that if I ever find a Draik Egg through the dailies, I just might hatch it! Craziest thing and also based on luck xD


Anyone that wants/owns a Draik is more than happy to come chat with us ^^


EDIT: Alright! I managed to get me ANOTHER FFQ and got that Buzz avatar and now will have a new FFQ to save xD


Eevee, there's nothing crazy about hatching another Draik. :P I'm 99.9999998% sure I'd hatch it, if I found one.


It's just hard to decide when I technically only have one spot left in the family and still missing a few pet avatars (mainly the ones that require a Grarrl and Elephante) xD


So how have you been Spritzie? :3


Yeah, I know what you mean. I need (Yes, NEED) a Chocolate Draik and Wraith Draik. And I really don't have space for them, because I get all attached to all of my pets.


I've been good, just really busy.


Has anyone dressed up their Draiks for autumn/Halloween yet?



This is Aitvara:



It's when we get attached to old pets that makes this harder xD


I was thinking about possibly using my FFQ on Uvertira...after 7 days since I just made a Buzz for the avatar today haha!


It'll be a surprise on here though and I really should get more October clothing :P


I had to go on a spending prett the other day for most of Aitvara's stuff. (I'd been dying to get to use the Brightvale Castle Dress Erika gave me, and I wanted to use it in an autumn customization, so it worked out perfectly.)


What color would you paint Uvertira, if you went for that?


I ended up trading Skradian, I wanted another lovely Draik XP


Managed to get the name Teal, who I will be turning into a Faerie Draik! I'm soooo happy!!


<3 <3 <3 DRAGONS!!!! <3 <3 <3


Sorry to chime in like that XD I'm just super excited :*


That's great Saxen! That's an awesome name for a Faerie Draik! When will she be a Draik (and Faerie)?


Thank you honey! :) Hmmm, that's a very good question XD I spent all my monies on the custom trade for Xen, so now I'm saving all over again. Probably in a few months I would imagine :/

My internet's a lot better now though so I can use Habi again, yeey!! So hopefully soon (:


What a find! It's so rare to see such short but still pretty names :)


I traded my VWN UC Grey Kyrii for her ^^. Even though Kyrii's are pretty popular I reckon I got the better end of the trade, even though I didn't get the included Draik morph I was after XP. I was surprised she was UFT! Most of these sorts of names are permies by now :O


Wanted to surprise you all with the color I have chosen for Uvertira :D




I love all chocolate pets and never really planned to make Uvertira Chocolate until I got another FFQ. I thought I wouldn't ever get another FFQ so I avoided thinking about the color until I was given a second chance :3


What really surprised me was that I made sure he wasn't wearing anything when I transferred him and then I see all his Desert clothing in my main closet :O


Does this mean I can't take them back to my side account now that he's a different color? Because that would be a shame :(


Wanted to surprise you all with the color I have chosen for Uvertira :D




I love all chocolate pets and never really planned to make Uvertira Chocolate until I got another FFQ. I thought I wouldn't ever get another FFQ so I avoided thinking about the color until I was given a second chance :3


What really surprised me was that I made sure he wasn't wearing anything when I transferred him and then I see all his Desert clothing in my main closet :O


Does this mean I can't take them back to my side account now that he's a different color? Because that would be a shame :(


He looks fantastic!! Congratulations ^_^


Unfortunately if you transfer him to your side his crosspaint wont go with him :(

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