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okay, so... i think i've got a name for her (it's totally a name for a female)

do you guys think i can post it here? or should i PM you?


Don't post it anywhere public, until you've hatched it and have taken the name. Anyone can read here and I'd hate to have someone take the name.


i'll try to find some others, and i'll PM you then, i reall cannot choose!!! i'm so excited ^^


Woot Congratulations! Someone on the neoboards this morning had a baby bruce as their active pet and I almost spazzed out because I thought it was Boochi :rolleyes_anim:


okay everybody, I HATCHED THE EGG, it was so exciting, i was like: "OMG, this was a gift, this is money, this is my dream, what to dooooo?!?!?!?"

but i did what i had to do, and i hatched the egg ^^


so everybody, MEET ALYNNIAE:::






i'm going to send him to spritzie, so she can turn Alynniae into a female, to match the name and my dream ;)

1 more thanks to Aethenlynden, i owe you this one ;)


Oh lovely name!


Fearie paint brush... might have one but that means looking through me box.... thats a mission in itself - if I find one I'll hold it for you lisauntie.


I love the colour of Pirate draiks, its great to customize with as it cuts down on some of the extremely bright customizations you find


He (soon-to-be she) is gorgeous! I love your choice of name. She'll be the perfect Faerie Draik!


I'm checking, but I think it needs to be 7 days old before it can be transferred. But after 7 days, I can battle the scientist until he's female, and then transfer her back. :D


Congrats on getting your Draik Lisauntie! Alynniae sounds like a gorgeous name for a Draik if you ask me.

I wish you the best of luck with your brand new Draik, and take good care of her as well. :yes:


yeah, i'm going to customize him for now, and see what happens...


i'm still not really believing this, I CAN SPEND 750K RIGHT NOW, YEAH, SHOPPING SPREEEEEEEEE!!!!!


It's really exciting! The first time customizing is always one of the best. :D I can't wait to see what you come up with.


Shall I go ahead and add him to the front page?


Sweet! I like the name. I think you were one of the few that actually had to switch genders. I believe most people got the gender they wanted surprisingly enough.


totally, i already gave hime a very simple customisation, 'till i find something non-NC that fits the theme ^^


here he is: 2.png


(how do you add the big pictures, every time i try, it doesn't give me the image link (right mouse click))


edit: going to read every single book i've got right now to him ^^


okay, thanks, i didn't now that, that's better ^^ i'm so happy, it feels like an early sinterklaas present (that's what dutch people do instead of christmas with santa claus, they've got sinterklaas on 5 december)


edit: he's on the front page, i'm so happy now, and Alynniae too ^^


Yep. He's added. :D


And I just got the scientist as a BD challenger on my main account, so once he's old enough, and I clear a spot, you can just transfer him to my main account. (I have 5 transfers a month on my main, so that will be easier. :D)


okay, i'm so happy i didn't use my transfer to send lakespark (my desert pteri) to my side, that would be so stupid, and i've got the pteri PB clothes on my main now, for later ;)


i'm thinking 'bout buying a weewoo and paint it white, that would be so cool ^^


How much do Weewoo's and the White PB cost? Depending on that, you might be better off waiting until you can get the Meepit you want.


And I'll clear a spot on my main in a couple days, so you can transfer him as soon as he hits 7 days. Then I'll do nothing but battle until the change, so I can get it back to you first thing the next day.


it's around 500K, not sooooo much, and i really like the white weewoo, the meepit is not my top priority right now


edit: OFFERED!!! now waiting 0-0


edit2: wow, my bank account is on 274K right now, that's so weird 0_0


Yay for lisauntie :) I love the name you picked (I fancy names that start on A :)) ! Gosh, every single person here has a Draik (or two) .. I really don't belong here anymore *wonders away*


I just realized that in class A there is a girl named Aisha. I've known her for three years and never connected here to the Aisha here :O


really?!, that's funny


and you DO belong here, i didn't have one, but i still belonged here, you'll get one evantually, just stay here...


i mean, because of the people here, i've got the draik egg, so stay here ^^ good things will happen to you!


edit: playing games like MAD right now


Great name change! :D


Let us know when you have the White Weewoo attached. :D


And of course you belong here, LoveBee. There's no rule that you have to have a Draik to be here. If you like Draiks, that's good enough. You don't even have to have a Draik as a goal.


Yeah, I was hanging around here for quite a while and I didn't even want a draik back then. But the draik lair eventually convinced me, that I believe the maractite paint brush that oddly enough I don't even desire anymore :rolleyes_anim:


I've been trying to game like crazy today too.


heya guys, i've already gotten the pb, and the weewoo is accepted, just being progressed, WHY IS EVERYBODY GOING TO SLOW, can't wait ^^ first time i really spend much for a petpet and first time i buy a PPPB


This is my first time dropping in here (although I've been following this topic silently for awhile now); Since I've recently decided on saving up for a Draik Egg, I thought it'd be nice to join in the Draik Lair fun. ^_^


Congratulations to Spritzie for hatching the gorgeous Cryohydra, IrishLiz for getting a Draik Egg, and Lisa for hatching the lovely Alynniae (as well as aethenlynden for being wonderful)!


Seeing all these friendly Draik owners sure tempts me to own one too. :)


ooooh, you should TOTALLY save for one, they're so adorable ^^

ps: Alynniae is happy with the compliment, he (soon-to-be-she) likes you ^^

(and yeah, Aethenlynden is wonderful!!!)


ps: the person of the weewoo doesn't respond, so i offered on another one (omg, i can't wait!!!)

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