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I Have A Problem

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I type in the title of a book to buy for Drevillion into the SW and search for the lowest price.

I click on the owner's name and buy the book.

I see another book or two that Drev hasn't read yet or a toy he hasn't got, so I open another tab for SW and do the process again.

Thing is, I often end up with like 10 tabs open at 10 different stores. :laughingsmiley:

I also often write down the store owner's name instead, for future refrence.

Does anyone else have this habit? :whistle:

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That's happened to me a couple times. I have a habit of having multiple tabs open and being in the process of 10 different things on each. sometimes they're not even neopets related lol. Firefox is great when it comes to browser crashes.

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I always have lots of tabs open when I'm doing stuff. I keep a bunch of shops open for restocking, games, and areas I visit frequently.

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Yeah, I do this :P I knew I had a problem when my other half asked to look at something on play.com, so I just opened a new tab and handed the laptop to him... He nearly died when he saw the tabs had just turned into thin slits...

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The only time I over-do the tabs, is in the morning, with my dailies. My husband on the other hand.... I come home from work, and sit at the comp, and he'll have 20+ tabs open. Then he does the "Bookmark all" so I can close them. AHHH! I keep my bookmarks organized in folders. So now my main bookmarks (which usually has under 10) has 200+ until I make him clean them up. :laughingsmiley:


Maybe it's ADD. That's how it is with him. He sees something, opens a new one. Sees something there... opens a new one. And on and on.


Though I used to do that all the time.

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You're talking to a person here who regularly has 10+ tabs open for various things in FF. Usually my neopets related tabs are for my inventory, shop, SDB, and shop wiz when I need them (like when moving items in-between and pricing, etc). Haven't crashed a browser in a while ;D


I don't think I've written any shopowners names down lately, but I know I used to when I'd run across a store that had a wide variety, or specialized in something I bought a lot of (like books!).

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This is exactly me when I'm browsing through pet pages looking at premade lookups, petpages and stuff like that. The tabs just keep growing and growing it's difficult to control sometimes! I find a lot of nice stuff though, so it's all good. :-)

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I always have a bunch of tabs open... inventory, shop wizard, sometimes new tabs for shops, right now the Tarla neoboard, the TDN dailes page, TDN forums, email, etc.


Too much probably. :laughingsmiley:

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I'm just as bad - I have my main game tab, the igloo garage sale, my inventory, neoquest, neoquest maps, TDN dailies, TDN forums, and sometimes Joderi's ratios, a second game from that and the Wheel of monotomy. This doesn't include Dice-a-Roo which is another tab if I'm playing it and occasionally Facebook for Farmville. Even more occasionally the Plushie shop or the Money Tree!


My Firefox crashes quite regularly! I should get into the habit of closing tabs which are not in use.

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Thank goodness my browser hold up for me. I NEVER have more than five tabs open. Firefox was great because it kept my tabs, but it stopped working and Google Chrome doesn't. I always have two websites with shows on them (I'm watching Supernatural and Degrassi at the moment), my shop, my guild, and a page I'm actively doing things on. Often I'll have other pages open too, that's just the bare minimum.

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I do that all the time, on Neopets I always do that with the Shop Wizard. I find one cheap price and open that one, then find another and open it, and eventually I have 20 tabs open and no clue which was the one I was going to get.

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My bf likes to bookmark a lot of things and he never organizes them so I have to go in there and clean p the mess he leaves behind lol. That and his image saving. He finds something and saves it and clutters up all my folders since he just saves to whichever one is there. So I'm constantly cleaning up my laptop :)

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My bf likes to bookmark a lot of things and he never organizes them so I have to go in there and clean p the mess he leaves behind lol. That and his image saving. He finds something and saves it and clutters up all my folders since he just saves to whichever one is there. So I'm constantly cleaning up my laptop :)


My husband does the exact same thing. Same with the picture saving. He even has a folder on my desktop for his stuff. Until last week, my desktop had 3 times the icons I keep. On his laptop, his entire desktop is covered with icons.

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