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40 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you like the Neoboards?

  2. 2. What do you hate about the Neoboards

    • BUMPS!!!!!
    • Double, Triple, and Quad posting
    • Da ChaTsPek (chat speak)
    • Unorganized, confusing and/or unhelpful
    • People that report you for no reason
    • Flamming
    • All of the Above
    • Nothing I love it!
    • Other (explain in post)
  3. 3. Would you reccommend the boards to a newbie?

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Back then with my old account I made a topic about people and the neoboards. I revieved it due to new faces here on TDN. So for people that remember the topic *looks at Tyler* You'd know that the choices and questions above are the same. My opinion stands that I hate the Neoboards, and for most if not all the reasons above. I'll give an example from my old topic:


Oh yea, the flamming example. Here is one that I saw in the jelly boards when someone said its a myth:


"Your mom's a myth! Your face is a myth!"


and here is another from a board where someone was bumping the topic:


"Bumped like your mom!!!!"


Original topic is here (just in case you want to compare your awnser)


I just dislike them because it's too easy to get banned etc by people reporting you for no reason. I stay clear like the plague.


I think the boards are all right but I dislike the amount of rude people. Just because your account is a certain age doesn't mean you get to talk down the other users. I would recommend the boards to a new user because there are more good apples than bad but the bad apples are out there.


I probably wouldn't recommend posting on boards to a newbie (apart from the newbie boards). Newbies will often get flamed by 'older' users/ report happies who don't take into consideration that not EVERYONE knows EVERYTHING about 'board etiquette'. For example, if you (supposing you're a newbie) were on the trading boards and a you said something like ('seeking draik, offering cloud jubjub') most people will be cruel and flame rather than point out the 'worth' of draiks for you. Well this is just from what I see on the boards anyway but once you've lurked on the boards for a while you can start posting! The boards are great fun :evo:


I personally have had a really nice time hanging out on the boards and chatting with different folks about random Neopets things; not to mention all the kind lenders I've dealt with. In the span of 2 days I got lent dark nova (free), robo (free), adam, chokato (free), FQD (partial collat), icy (partial collat) and ZDAP (free). Not to mention the pet-chain lends (snow and harris so far, island quiggle and mummy ruki coming up next week). Without the boards I definitely wouldn't have been able to get as far in my neopets goals as I've been able to. I've also been able to lend out items to others I've met on there and have never been scammed. However, I have the advantage of having a very old account (116 months; 9.5 years) so people have never tried to "pull rank/age" with me.



That said, the boards can be a pretty treacherous place, especially if you're not used to them and even more so if you're not used to Neopets AND the Boards (a total newbie in other words). I spent some time lurking to get handle on the lingo and I would definitely point newbies towards TDN or JellyNeo before I sent them marching off to the boards. I've seen many rude posts on there, but just as many nice posts. I think if you're smart and careful, you can get a lot out of them both as a newbie and as an experienced player. However, it's not for everyone and there's definitely an "in" crowd of people who are regular chatters which can be intimidating. And before you go on you should know WHY you're going on. Is it for conversation? To get lent for avatars? for BD advice? Going to the right board for your purposes is a big part of having a good experience.


As for the flaming/arbitrary reporting, I stay out of boards that engage in flame wars. I don't see any reason to put myself in the middle of such silliness. At the end of the day, I play Neopets because its a fun game, I don't want to see people fighting or saying rude things to each other because it ruins the experience for me. I know that reporting is a problem, but again I think if you're careful you should be able to avoid a lot of that.


So I guess my answer is that I really enjoy hanging out on the boards, but its definitely not for everyone. :)


I hate the Neoboards. I don't go there. I don't post there. I dislike that the people there (90% of the time) act like 5 year olds. I can't stand when people don't use semi-readable English. People are rude, for no reason. People purposefully try to be annoying, and get attention. That's why I come here, if I have a question, or need help.


I hate the neoboards but I only go there to get info, which is soooooo hard! Like for the Negg Quests, TDN didnt have the answers yet, so I looked on the Neoboards and found them there. But it took me FOREVER! The people are so unorganized and unhelpful and make random and rude comments! GRRR! :angry:


I use them for Faerie Quests. Nothing More. I hate every other part. I would only recommend them to a newbie for my reason. As I said in the old topic, TDN is 100 times more helpful

and the rudeness is horrid


I might be the only person here who has no complaints xD Sure there are a lot of flamers, scammers, rude people, etc, but it'd be boring otherwise. The Avatar Chat specifically, I love going there and just posting around; people are usually very friendly. I can't think of anything I really hate, other than off-topic posts that have nothing to do with the forum, but even then, no one says, "NUB GO POST IN THE RIGHT BOARD." That's just plain rude and giving a bad reputation to the majority of people who chat there.


Personally, I got into the boards as a newbie, and I did just fine. Posted around, met some people, got lent some avvie items; no traumatic experiences. I sort of debated if I'd suggest it to a newbie though nowadays (I was a newbie years ago x-x), but I think I still would. Can't shield everyone from everything.


The Neoboards...are a dangerous place in my opinion. You can easily get scammed, Cgd, or just ripped off by some people...you gotta be careful there. The extent some people go to to ruin other peoples accounts... :sad01_anim:


i officially HATE the neoboards now. Several people have reported me for "begging" when i was only asking nicely for a hissi. of what i got!!!!! i swear those stupid stuck up brats that think they are better than noobs can kiss my #!% :grrr:


im not a noob. im just saying that they are mean to them.


Eh they're alright, but yeah the number of rude people there astounds me to no end. :sad01_anim:


I just lurk most of the time, but randomly post if the topic interests me enough.


I guess I'm fortunate not to have been flamed before... except for this one time where a rude guy from the boards neomailed me and and insulted me. I hadn't even said anything provocative ._.


Pro: Can't beat how quickly people post helpful stuff (Prime example: Tarla sightings)


Con: People are horribly rude and incendiary.


I would definitely recommend the NeoBoards to a n00b. I lie in wait in the 'Help' boards at times just answering questions. I like showing off that I know everything. :P


It can be useful, like I use it for help with Faerie Quests. But, it REALLY annoys me when people just put hundreds of posts with a smiley face ( :) ) or with " BUMP!!! " It drives me CRAZY!


I like the boards...they're generally decent enough places. But I hate the constant streams of idiotic spam...such as "HALP THE CAT IS ON MAH FACE" or other such stupidity.


The boards CAN be very helpful and definitely keep Neopians informed of the goings-on around Neopia. But they can also be inaccurate, confusing, disorganized...and just generally more of a hassle than they're worth. For newbies, I'd advise them to be cautious of taking everything at face value on the boards. If you hear something interesting, double check with TDN or another site and see what they have to say! But otherwise, the boards are a great place to see who's active on Neopets and what they're up to! Who knows, it might give you some ideas!




1) HATE IT. I almost always get some smarty butt little butthead (lol, sorry!) that acts like anything I say is idiotic. The sad part is it's always someone different acting that way!


2) REPORTING FOR NO REASON! I don't understand this at ALL. Is it because they are jealous of you? Overzealous?? WHAT?!


3) Definitely would NOT recommend the boards. It's like a place for people with no lives (most of them, not EVERYONE obviously) that go there and single out others, making them feel bad so they feel more important. And TNT does nothing about it!




Sorry, I have a major thing against the boards on that site. <_<




1) HATE IT. I almost always get some smarty butt little butthead (lol, sorry!) that acts like anything I say is idiotic. The sad part is it's always someone different acting that way!


2) REPORTING FOR NO REASON! I don't understand this at ALL. Is it because they are jealous of you? Overzealous?? WHAT?!


3) Definitely would NOT recommend the boards. It's like a place for people with no lives (most of them, not EVERYONE obviously) that go there and single out others, making them feel bad so they feel more important. And TNT does nothing about it!




Sorry, I have a major thing against the boards on that site. <_<


Totally agree!

I post one little thing and everyone is quick to prove me wrong or shove it in my face!

I used to like the HC, but its gone to crap now tbh.

And I've gotten my only warnings from the boards so I stay AWAY !


I lurk around the boards, but I NEVER post there.

Though the only boards I lurk are the kad boards... mew.

Would I recommend it to a newbie? Yes, but only if they need help on quests or something.


The boards on Neo aren't as bad as the boards on some other sites. ;)


I don't mind when people come in and politely say, one time "Heads up, that's against the rule now".


Drives me up a wall when someone reads post and then runs off to check the guild, gallery, layout...everything of this one person to find something they might have done wrong. There is a single user on the help chat that drives me so bonkers that I just want to poke her in the eye with a chicken because all she ever does is berate people for not having every single rule memorized.


I love the boards, it's basically the only thing I do on neopets, besides the altador cup.

The one thing I hate about the boards are trolls :sad01_anim:


Haha, but I guess nothing can be done to get rid of them


The boards are not very helpful compared to off-site forums like TDN. For example, when I decided to get help about the Tarla Tour, I didn't get anything useful despite digging through the boards for 20 minutes. The problem: the Neoboards were disorganized. All I found on the Tarla topics at the Neoboards were insipid chats - it's like people hijacked the boards for their own off-topic gossip. -_-


I went here to TDN and got everything I needed to know in 5 minutes.


When the new Hannah game came out, there were a few helpful comments at the Neoboards, but again most of it was junk comments.


Again, I went here to TDN and found a lot more helpful comments (which eventually inspired me to test solutions for the game and post them here). So that's another thing: the Neoboards don't inspire helpfulness.


One major exception: Faerie Quest help is wonderful on the Neoboards. :yes:

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