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Well when I finally got the avatar like 2 months or so ago I hit the jackpot for about 38,000, didn't get any other prize, however it was in the beginning of the month so I ended up getting a bronze trophy! That to me was the best. Haven't hit the jackpot since, but I still like to play it every now and again.

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I've managed the jackpot twice in total now. Once for 20k odd and more recently for 42k odd. I've also won a couple of neggs, lots of food and several lottery tickets.

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I've never won anything that good from dice-a-roo. I've only won the jackpot once and it wasn't very much. I only played the game so I could get the avatar!

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Bittersweet moment for me the time I won the dice-a-roo jackpot. I won the 16k jackpot and the 10x multiplier bonus.

160k and an avatar. yessss

I look at the high score table and see my name only a few spots away from one of the trophy spots. noooo ):

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I just won the jackpot and got the avatar!


Thanks for the forum - it inspired me to play a bit more. :)


It was only 3964 neopoints, so not too exciting except for getting the avatar.


I had a bunch of junk in my inventory for the pant devil to steal, so that worked out ok.

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As far as the pant devil goes, I keep nothing in my inventory when I play and if I win anything while playing I safety deposit it mid game in another tab so he can't steal anything. I seriously had him show up at least 15 times one game. I felt satisfied when it kept saying "but he can't steal anything because there is nothing in your inventory" Ha! Take that pant devil!

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As far as the pant devil goes, I keep nothing in my inventory when I play and if I win anything while playing I safety deposit it mid game in another tab so he can't steal anything. I seriously had him show up at least 15 times one game. I felt satisfied when it kept saying "but he can't steal anything because there is nothing in your inventory" Ha! Take that pant devil!


I just leave all my fishing junk there. It's a half decent way to get rid of them and if I do accidentally leave something in there there is less chance of it being taken.

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I just won the jackpot for 7338 Neopoints! The pant devil stole all the stuff I won and the other random junk in my inventory, but I couldn't be bothered to go put everything in my safety deposit box when I could smell that avatar right under my nose. :P I'm so excited!

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With everyone talking about winning the jackpot, I'm going to have to give this another try today.


On average, how long did you play before you won the jackpot?


Well, I've been playing off and on for years, but I never played until my pet was bored of the game until about a week ago. So I think the trick is persistence. Play every day until your pet gets bored and the odds are sure to go up. Yes, it can get frustrating, but it's worth it in the end! :D

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I played for awhile the other day, but after I lost about 100-200np, I got frustrated and quit. I'm going to give it a shot here in a bit. I want that avatar, as well as the jackpot.

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