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Dragon Cave from Neopets Site?


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I was on neopets just now (well I'm still on) and I clicked a link on the neopets page (for the auctions page) and got a page that looked like the dragon cave (dragoncave.net) home page, saying the page wasn't found. The login and register links were to neopets.com (looked like regular neopets links to me) and when I tried another neopets link (from another tab I had open - I clicked on the neopets banner on the top left of the page to go to the neopets home page), I got the same thing. Refreshing at the employment agency (which I had open in a tab) got me back to the normal neopets site.


Is this some sort of cookie grabber thing? (I'm not sure how those work.) Anyone seen this before?


I didn't click on anything on the "Dragon Cave" page; I just moved my cursor over links to see where they led. I also changed my password when I got back to the normal neopets site and cleared my cookies and history in my browser just in case.


The weird part is that the sites were all normal neopets sites. o_O I'm seriously weirded out here.

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Yeah...that sounds like it culd have been a cookie grabber, from what you described. Good job not clicking anything though...cause that could have definetly lost you your account. By any chance, did you look at the address bar?

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Yeah...that sounds like it culd have been a cookie grabber, from what you described. Good job not clicking anything though...cause that could have definetly lost you your account. By any chance, did you look at the address bar?


Yeah, that's the first thing I checked - it was neopets. That's what weirded me out.

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I've had a couple of similar pages come up (might be identical I don't know) with red dragon like things on it saying the page wasn't found. I don't know if that's the same as you had?

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Just so you know, "not clicking" on something won't prevent cookie grabbing. All you have to do is load a web page.


Ah ok. I wasn't sure how they worked - I sure wasn't going to login from a weird page though.


Nothing happened to my account. Just weirded out about it.


I've had a couple of similar pages come up (might be identical I don't know) with red dragon like things on it saying the page wasn't found. I don't know if that's the same as you had?


It looked like this page: http://dragcave.net/

but when you scrolled over the links, they were actual neopets links.


aaaand I got there by clicking on the navigation bar on a neopets page. That's what weirded me out.


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