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CAV of Gang Green

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Actually, given that they've all ready garunteed that the Kanto starters and Eeveelutions are avalible via the Dream World, we will get a National dex if that's true.

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Anyone discuss how HMs should be Key Items that can be given to a Pokemon to hold temporarily while you sail past the obstacle?

Because that is how things should be done.


Yes please! I hate having HM slaves taking up space in my team. :S

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There better be a National Dex. I prefer the older pokes much more than what currently comes out. There's no way I'm buying Black/White if just the 5th Gen ones are available.


And from what I know, any/all pokemon caught in the dream world will have alternate abilities, including starters. Finally, cause I'm sick of them always having Torrent, Overgrow and Blaze. I hope the alts are a bit more useful (at least long-term).

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Gamefreak is on my list too, but as you said, they are published on Nintendo consoles, which means Nintendo allows them to be published. So if the game is bad, Nintendo is going to be the targets, since everyone believes that they made the game.


That made no sense...

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Jesus, there's this thing called "punctuation," the keys are right next to the letters, you can't miss 'em.


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Jesus, there's this thing called "punctuation," the keys are right next to the letters, you can't miss 'em.


I wanted to say this, but I didn't cause I don't want to come off meaner than people already think I am.

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Ahh Pokemon. I remember the days *nods.* You know. When there were only 151 pokemon and the games weren't running out of names? And yet even though I've grown up and don't even watch the show any more and have no clue about the thousands of new pokemon. I still get the games....hmmm...this marketing thing works.


Who here's amongst the group of will be pre-orderers?

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I love Pokemons! I saw some pictures of the newest games Black/White. This new Pokemons are not good. In Diamond/Peral were somehow good, but the newer Pokemon are awful. Pokemons look like they were drawn by 5-years old kids. I'm saying that they could at least give a little effort in them. :crying:

They were much better in 1st, 2nd and 3rd seasons. Some Pokemons were good in 4th. After that, they are doing this with no sense.

I love Charizard, Jolteon, Aerodactyl, Buizel, Mightyena, Ninetaels, Gyarados, Mismagius, Tentacruel, Noctowl and Torterra. :wub_anim: Actually, I love almost all Pokemons except the newest :)

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I'm defintely pre-ordering. I always do. x3


Well, right now it's still just the first 30 (of a predicted all-new set of 150 or so) and most are base stage. So they'll look rather cutesy.

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