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Morgan jumped for joy and tackled Metroid to the ground. She stuck some wires in him in the most painful way she could, then turned the machine on. "Okay, Metroid. I'm going to ask you a few questions, and all I want you to do is answer yes or no. Let's begin." Morgan pulled out a clipboard. "Do you sleep with a stuffed animal every night?"

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The machine buzzed and made taunting noises. "It lies. Liar. Liar. Liar." Morgan pushed the button to stop the taunts and scribbled on her clipboard. I wish I knew how to write. "I see. That's very imformative. Question 2: Do you often wet the bed at night?"

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"Oh, I just want to know what you're really like. And I want to find out your darkest secrets. That's why I installed an alien stunner incase you try to escape. It'll activate as soon as you take off those wires. So, I don't think you're going anywhere. Because I'm going to take a nap." Morgan grabbed a pillow and soon fell asleep.

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*Gets sold to some random clueless kid in Alaska*


Kid: Wow! My very own doggie! I want to name him Toilet McBowl!


Metroid: Ahem. My name is-


Kid: Doggies don't talk! Bad doggie! *Whacks Metroid with a rolled up newspaper*


Metroid: I'm not a do-


Kid: *Smacks Metroid with a spiked baseball bat* I SAID NO TALKING!


Metroid: *Whimpers*


Kid: Time to eat!


Metroid: 0_o


Kid: Hmm.... what do doggies eat? I know! *Shoves a fistful of dirty snow into Metroid's mouth*


Metroid: Mmph! Mrmp!! Mrrrmphh!


Kid: It's not polite to talk with your mouth full! BAD DOGGIE! *Brutally injures Metroid with a piece of wool*


Metroid: ....


Kid: DON'T GIVE ME THE SILENT TREATMENT! *Throws Metroid out of a two hundred story building with a cement block tied to him*


Kid's Father: What happened to your dog?


Kid: Must've run away...

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Metroid: Great. I'm underneath a heavy block of cement and I'm in the middle of Alaska...


Fred the Nuclear pile of Sludge: It could be worse.


Metroid: Whatcha talking 'bout Freddy?!


Fred the Nuclear pile of Sludge: I don't know. Why don't you ask that sock over there?


Metroid: That's no ordinary sock! That's socky!




Metroid: I'm sorry I gave you to a dog to chew on.




*Socky tears apart Metroid*

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"I wonder if Metroid is in enough pain without me to attack him.." anime wondered aloud. "Probably. Knowing him he's being attacked by, I don't know, a sock or something."

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Morgan wakes up and runs around the machine, frantically searching for Metroid. "How did he escape? He is supposed to be my prisoner! I still haven't given him the Blues Clues treatment yet! And you know what else? I forgot to turn the water off at home! This is my worst day ever!"

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((Don't worry I Pwn You. Since I am a major fan of Mario, you will have tons of comics, I just need to get to it. Is your character known as Baby M?))


Metroid dissapeared and magically reappeared in front of a monkey that randomly started singing "YMCA".

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