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What's your bank account goal?


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I just keep aiming for the next bank account...although I blew 800k when I hit 5 mil so I need to get back there before moving to aiming for the 7.5 mil one!

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I meant baby ^_^, the ones that are about 600k :)


You'll never stop watching your neopoints go up Divy :P And it gets worse the more you have :P I was going to buy a normal gold nerkmid as soon as I could afford it... I still haven't got one. I never thought I'd get as many neopoints as I've got (I had like 200k), but when I started trying, and I mean really trying, for the stocks avatar I found I was soon getting loads. Now its hard for me not to earn at least 10k a day... Today I've earnt 50k from my stocks (including the money I've taken out to buy more) and a few games (kass basher, fashion fever, etc)... Mind you, I'll probably never get to the, like 10mil stage!

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I just like to save. :]

which almost never works because I always see something shiny I want, so I end up withdrawing what I just put it. ROFL.


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