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All of your eggs still have over 4 days to hatch. When they hit three days and they don't have any cracks, ER them. But they're fine right now.

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An alert: There is a new kind of Halloween dragon, out now and the only thing in the cave. They smell of the autumn harvest, apperently. :3


EDIT: Oh, oh sweet... on my vamps..


Bite Convert a living egg into a vampire egg. Can only be performed once every four weeks.


He finally..... BITE FEATURE!

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Anyone want a chicken egg? I was able to snag one out of the Cave tonight, and I already have my one chicken to love and cherish, so I thought I'd share.


EDIT: Already released. No more egg.


EDIT #2: I would like to add some eggs to the thread. I've been getting really lucky at the cave entrance, although the odd item that's eluding me is the CB black egg. Silly that a common's become rarer than the "rare" eggs. Has anyone had similar experiences like this?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Too many views too quickly. You don't have to do all that, just don't post them immediately. If they keep getting sick and you have to keep hiding them it means you're doing something wrong. Don't post them into places where they'll get a lot of views as soon as you get them. Let them get a few views the first day, then post them. I usually let mine get no less than 20 and no more than 100 the first day. That way they don't get sick, but they still hatch quickly with 3-4 days left.

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When I have an important egg, I generally avoid putting it anywhere for a day, not in my sig, not in any click place. This lets it age and decreases its chances of getting sick as an egg or a hatchie. It also helps to just check each egg when you get online and just before you get offline to see if they're sick. And if you're worried, just go ahead and fog them. It won't hurt them and then you can let them grow only when you're around to watch them.


EDIT: Aware this won't be seen, but there's no one on to psot so I can post. Oh well.


New eggs! Three of them. "This egg is almost too hot to touch." "This egg has icicles forming on it." and "Whenever you go near this egg your hair stands on end."

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I was hoping to come across the dragon types in the completed dragons area, but TJ's probably clever enough to pull those well before the eggs are released. I finally got one of each too, and I'm doing the same thing with fogging. My last batch of eggs kept getting sick because I'm silly enough to put them in 6 "help your dragons grow up" sites. I need to remember it's a game of patience as well. ^^;

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New eggs! Three of them. "This egg is almost too hot to touch." "This egg has icicles forming on it." and "Whenever you go near this egg your hair stands on end."


Aw, mine are still hatchlings so I have to wait to get more. I'm looking forward to seeing what the new ones look like when they hatch. I found the last two eggs on Dragonnery but I haven't seen the first one yet.

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I wish the AP would calm down. So many eggs with "6 days and X hours" on them. Nice to see the cave up and going a lot, though. Always a couple cheese eggs move each time it's open, it seems. I heard someone even declare seeing a CB gold egg pass by. Good times are back!

I like the name for your lightning dragon. ^^ Oh, and you can go ahead and remove my little ones from the viewing thread. They're all frozen by now. Cute little buggers.

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Cool. Dorkfaces ftw. XD


Thanks. I thoguht calling him Tased was cute on many levels.


My Magma is Kataika. Katai is "solid" in Japanese, and ka is, of course, fire. Plus, it sounds really cool.

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