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Dragon Cave Discussion Thread


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Looks like a normal Balloon, right? Well, it's not. It's a Balloon Dorkface. yay for intrigration and golds that gender right! xD

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No, I meant the pebble eggs. I thought that they were really rare. I picked up two "pebble eggs but without there pebbley texture."


PS: Can you put this egg kMQB.gif on the viewing board?

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Just checking. Even if an attempt at breeding gives the line, "The dragons don't really show much interest in each other," they can still breed, right?


Yep, those dragons can still breed ^^

The only time they can't is if they say they refuse to go near each other.

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I'm sorry if I get this wrong. Please add these eggs to the viewing thread. (Or tell me what I need to do.) TZXC.gif




Thanks! I'll be the one asking lots of questions. <waves arm in the air> All I need to do to keep my egg/hatchling/adult alive is "visit" regularly?

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I've changed and added eggs. Please update to reflect these eggs. WTZW.gif TZXC.gif 3z8c.gif rRpv.gif My dragon cave screen name is wvdragon.


Thanks, folks for all the help and comraderie. I'd never heard of Dragon Cave until I came upon this pair of threads. I'm having a blast (of dragon fire) reading the old posts and learning to guess the eggs' breeds.

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I got a new egg: QZD5.gif It is very rare (for me anyway cuz I am so slow at picking these eggs.)


Pssst, can you put it up on the viewing board cuz I have all my egg slots filled up.

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I love it too but I dont know if I can have it cuz I have three hatchlings and 4 eggs ( got one egg by mistake so I am gonna abandon it after 2 hours).

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