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One of my striped grew up. I noticed that there are different coloured strips out, how do we get them?


Different colored stripes are through breeding ^^ The color of the new stripe matches the color of the non-stripe dragon you breed your stripe with.




Stripe + Water = Blue Stripe

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Ooh okay, I really want a coloured strip so thank you.

There's less than 100 dragons in the DCFansite ER, and most are Sun eggs. o_O

EDIT: Somewhow, they all ahtched into Sunsets. o_O Maybe what you get is affected by the time of day it hatches?


There's a rumor about this on the DC forums.. if they hatch in the morning they are sunrises, and sunsets if they hatch at night (well, evening)... Last night, my three sun eggs hatched almost at the same time... all of them sunsets... :( Next time I'll definitely try the timing 'method'.


Another egg:



Unfortunately, I already have five adoptables in my sig. So s/he can't go in there. I'd love for you guys to click please~ ^_^

Here's my gold + striped egg:


I thought gold+striped produced a different egg from the normal white striped?

I don't think it does...

See, if you look here (http://forums.dragcave.net/index.php?showtopic=48930), you'll see that there are only white, blue, red, and green ones, no yellow unfortunately.


Here's my new colored stripe:



And some other new eggs for the viewing thread:

oaJO.gif Bq3b.gif


Havent got much of "rare eggs" but still.


PS: Anime, you can take out my eggs from the viewing board cuz I had room to put them all in my siggy.


it's all ready been started that it's the time of day, not the day of the week, that's affecting them.


...let me rephrase. The time of day when they hatch. I don't know the exacts, but it's not hard to guess that sunrises are in the first half of the day and sunsets in the second.


You relaize that they can show up on the abandons at any time, regardless of when they were laid. THAT would have more to do when they're born if you mean those at 7 days.


I went ahead and picked up a daydream egg while waiting for my eggs to hatch.




If this could be added to the viewing thread, that would be awesome. Thanks!


I just noticed that the thread broke 200 pages. Woot!

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