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Get the newPinks now, as when they're balanced in, it'll be random if you get a new or an old at drops.

The Suns and the Bandeds: There are two of each (Suns have Sunrise and Sunset, Bandeds Purple and Red). Both can come in either gender. The Sun egg can hatch into either of the two, but the banded you can tell apart as an egg by the color on top.

The Brightly Colored Striped eggs all seem to be or change into White right now. People are still investigating why they're only white, and if it's not some coding glitch I'll tell you as soon as they figure out what causes the change.

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:head starts spinning:


Thank you so much for the update Anime, I'll keep watch on my four suns that I've snatched and see if/when you can tell which you have. probably in hatchling phase like alts.

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I managed to get another egg today. ;) It was a completely random choice with a hidden image. I'll put it in my post once I refind the code.


EDIT: c9nz.gif Here it is. ;) I have it in my sig as well, and just adopted a fourth egg! PYN4.gif

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-curses the skies- both my suns are Sunrises, waiting to see what my other two snatches turn out to be >.< but man they look sexaaaaaaaaah when they grow up!

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It appears that old pinks and new pinks can be bred and produce the other. Since the news can also be cave caught, I'm calling the two "varations" rather than alts. Also, the old's descript now calls it a "bright pink"

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Alright! *runs off to breed Bright Pinks*


... Another question. (Shocking, right? :P) If you breed a Geode with a Geode, will you only get Geodes since they're technically a separate species from the Pebble and Stone dragons, or is it possible to get a Pebble or Stone? (Did that question even make sense?)

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Just perusing and had to share this. For everyone that is totally freaking out over the huge dump of new dragons HAHAHA

oh if we only had known what he had in his arsenal to dump on us!


Just a taste of what he has up his sleeve to play:






No clue if or when he will use any of these. But still..just imagine the possibilities.


Enjoy the craziness.

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Out of curiosity, is my egg starting to prepare to hatch? *is curious about the slight crack on my bright pink egg*


It still has a ways to go.

The crack has to go the entire legnth of the egg, then you'll get a small hole, then a bigger hole, then the lil dragon will finally appear.

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