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Dragon Cave Discussion Thread


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If you are really worried, I'm having a decent amount of luck getting to scrolls. Just post (and I'll hit the ones above) and I'll do my best to fight the lag and check your scroll, and put any that are under 3 days in the DCFansite ER, or on the LJ ER if they're under 1 day. If they're above or dead, I'll report.

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Okay, I'm good. I see that my hatchling grew up, I just don't know what gender it is since I can't access DC right now.


Better than having a dead hatchling. x_x

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Will: Your Geode is still at 4d11h, and your gold above 6 days.


EDIT: After looking through a bunch of dragons, I've noted that all of them have at LEAST 4 days left... Meaning the wonderful TJ09 added time onto our dragons. :3

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At least it's a lot eaiser... between the drops and breeding being turned off and the peace of mind from time being added, people can get in, check their dragons, and leave it much less time, allowing others to do the same. But it si still down a TON though....

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I read on the forums that TJ09's moving the server to a new host. Hopefully this'll all be over soon.


UPDATE: I jsut removed all of the people who did not provide their scroll link for the thread. I'll be checking the ones with links whent he site is running again and people who either have no dragons or their last dragon was gotten over a month ago will be removed as well. Sorry if this causes problems for anyone, but it's easy to add you back and there's a LOT of empty names.

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Breeding is still down, unfortunately.

Who else thinks this should be a real dragon:



I think that would be a great addition to the dragon cave. And I thought of how to get one if they were made real. If your egg/hatchling dies while the site is down, It turns into one of those when the site goes back up ;b
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I think that would be a great addition to the dragon cave. And I thought of how to get one if they were made real. If your egg/hatchling dies while the site is down, It turns into one of those when the site goes back up ;b

That might not be a bad idea. The "Lag Monster" drawing is pretty cool!

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The site has been down for me about a week.

It seems different users have been down for different amounts of time. I suppose whenever he re-activates the section that their scroll is on? I don't know.


And it seems like the Lagmonster will become an egg for donating users.

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Woah, my Pebble is a ... girl?!? *dances* Finally! Now I can breed my stone and her when breeding's available again x3 I'm gonna be so mad if they refuse to breed ;~;

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If I may say so, the Lagmonster image is the absolutest pwnage! :P


I haven't gotten any new eggs in a while... *waits for breeding to be re-enabled*

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I was able to log in, but I wasn't able to revive my hatchlings :(

but here are my eggs & hatchling that survived:





I tried to link them, but it says that the administrator does not allow links to that website.

I can't link to the dragoncave? o_O

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