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When DC goes back up, EWBD ought to start working fine as well. May take a bit, but it'll go back eventually. :)

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I'm pretty sure we all do orphen.

I've noticed that DC's been down at this time practically every day now.


My best guess: This is when a lot of DCers get home and start using it, which puts strain on the site. But I'm probably wrong. I'm sure there's a good reason. Actually though, it's been down since this morning. (And, being stuck in my room all day with the laptop, I would know.)


Then it's probably not the people, since most of them would be at school.


Who's the maker of DC? Isn't it TJ?


Yes, TJ is the make of DC :P

EDIT: Aww, you edited it. *pouts*


Yea... so I have no idea. Hm. Hopefully TJ and his team will get this ironed out soon enough.


*headdesk* The day several of my dragons were going to be able to breed ;~; Hopefully my silver egg won't die while the site is down xD I have it fogged so it won't hatch, but I can't exactly unfog it and post it somewhere now.


And the timer does keep going when the site is down. I think I've heard of TJ resetting timers on dead eggs/hatchlings if the site is down for too long.


There were several updates to dragon designs that they were going to do. I'm hoping this is them doing it -hopes big time-


but TJ has had several issues trying to get a server that can really handle DC.


Oh, you mean the new sprites?? *crosses fingers hopefully* I hope so! :O *is excited*


Hm.. I wish him luck finding a server that can handle such a big site. =\


No good breedings today. My silver and mint refused to go near each other xD


On the bright side, two of my hatchlings grew up sometime before the lag, and the silver egg I was worrying about slightly hatched a-ok ^_^ Now to go find a silver or gold on the AP while I'm un-scroll locked >:3




There's a nice silver from the AP ^_^

*headdesk* My pebble's a boy ;~; I can't for the life of me get a female pebble or stone to breed for a geode!



Grats on the geode, Katy! : D I'm awful with names, sorry xD


I'm on the hunt for eggs still. Gotta get me a purple and some rares.


if anyone is willing to wait till next week for a geode i have several happily producing stone pairs. i even will have a pebble pair once my baby grows up today. i made alot of people happy on monday. i was locked and breed everyone. (i don't do that often because of the ap) and droped at least 6 or 7 geode eggs. i will breed them again next week. pm me if you want an egg at that point.


I have a new bred egg!


Probably abandoning it unless my current Winter turns out to be another male.




I love the AP ^w^


Sweet, that'll be my 14th silver :O Only one more to go!



I love the AP ^w^


Sweet, that'll be my 14th silver :O Only one more to go!



The AP is fantabulous until you get into the lineage fanatic phase. >.<


I'm not too picky about lineage as long as there isn't inbreeding. >_< That just bugs me.


It is cool when you trace back your dragons descendents though.

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