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Been on JN for awhile now, thought I'd check out TDN too


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Alright, I'm bad at these. Where to begin?


My Neopets username is idriya, just like my username here, and I've been on and off Neo for about seven years now. But unlike 99% of the Neo vets out there, I actually still love the site just as much as I did 4+ years ago, in the so-called "Golden Age" :O. I have to apologize in advance. Because so many people say the old site was 6856453436x better, I tend to get in arguments on that topic often, because I'm one of those "My way or the highway" types of people. Soooo, yeah. Sorry. :P


I like pretty much everything about Neo. Perhaps that is why I haven't grown bored of it. Most people are on for one or two aspects of the site. I'm on for everything. I battle (I'm not rich enough to do it very well, but I do have a pretty good battle pet). I collect stuff (Stamps, Cards, Books, Gourmet Foods, Techo stuff, and I'm also attempting to collect all the Techo and Ogrin wearables and Paint Brush clothing). I customize (although I don't buy NC, because I'm a broke college student :P). Sometimes, I go for trophies (attempting gold at NQI currently) But my favorite parts of the site are probably KeyQuest, restocking, and plots. Honestly, I think Neohoming and Kadding are the only things I haven't tried. xD Oh, and I'm probably one of the VERY few Neopians you will meet that LOVES Techos (you probably figured that out, though xD).


As for stuff about myself, I'm an 18-year-old college freshman attending a university in Michigan (no, not one of the two you're probably thinking of). I love anime and manga, although I haven't really seen or read any in a long time (college and Neo don't give me time to do that), and I also love video games. I'm a Nintendo fangirl. I like cats, too, and I love my cat, Midnight (the cat on my Profile picture)


So, yeah. That's all, and as usual, this is unnecessarily long. Sorry about that. I tend to do that.


EDIT: Er. . . how exactly DO I get a Profile Picture up? xP

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Hello and Welcome to TDN forums!


To answer your question, you need to be a Super member and higher to upload a profile picture (400 posts).


Get into Kadding! This is one of the most fun and challenging thing to do on Neopets :D. Kadders are nice and friendly, so it's fun to hang on their boards. I yet have to do NQ1 in Evil and InSaNe, but I'm planning to do it when I've more free time on my hands.


Anyway, have fun on the forums and stay safe from the poisoned cookies :P

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Thank you, Xepha, for saving her from the perils of the cookies! I mean, Silly Xepha, there's nothing wrong with our cookies. Iridya, I strongly advise you not eat them. :yes: Oh, but do watch your toes as you approach the snack table, as I and my counterpart Laura live under there, and Laura has a bit of a toe fetish. She bites.


That said, we will now return to my regular spiel.

1. Read the rules. We love our mods when they're happy. We love the rest of our staff too.

2. Feel free to ask if you have any questions. That's what we're here for. =]

3. We're insane. Accept it. Join it.

4. Get active and stay active. It's sad when people disappear. =[

5. Be respectful and have fun!


Yay for spiels. I love spiels. By the way, I yet again forgot to introduce myself. The name's Livvy. =]

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Welcome to TDN! Hope you enjoy it here. I'm pretty similar to you in that I like neopets just as much as when I started forever ago. Unfortunately I'm on my second account, my original was somehow hacked. I do just about everything on neo with the exception of battling and I haven't touched my neohome in forever so I have no idea what that's like now.

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Hey, welcome to the forums and all it's insanity! I hope you have fun and eventually come to being as crazy as the rest of us, if you're not already. xD


Btw, i'm Ryan. Or some call me SS for short.

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Hey, welcome to the forums and all it's insanity! I hope you have fun and eventually come to being as crazy as the rest of us, if you're not already. xD


Btw, i'm Ryan. Or some call me SS for short.

Hey Ryan! I recognize you from the Minions board. :P


Well, thanks for the warm welcomes. Shame about the Profile pic, though. :( Oh well, I'm fairly active on JN, so I can be active here, too.

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Hello and Welcome to TDN forums!


To answer your question, you need to be a Super member and higher to upload a profile picture (500 posts).


Get into Kadding! This is one of the most fun and challenging thing to do on Neopets :D. Kadders are nice and friendly, so it's fun to hang on their boards. I yet have to do NQ1 in Evil and InSaNe, but I'm planning to do it when I've more free time on my hands.


Anyway, have fun on the forums and stay safe from the poisoned cookies :P


Bah, restocking is much better. :P Though don't go for the big items (like Draik MP or really rare stamps), or you might get frozen for autobuying like they did to me unfairly. You can get some serious profit from it.


Kadding is great IF, and only if, you have the time and patience to put into it in order to go pink (aka gain the avvie). Otherwise, it's restocking or playing stock market.

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Welcome to the insane friendly world of TDN Forums.. Everyone here calls me BJ. I'm one of TDN's weapon specialist (though I must admit those Meepits are killing me :P).


We are insane! Accept it and if possible, be one too! :P


Bah, restocking is much better.

Nah, BD is still the best. b)

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