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Full out war.

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(How I've been defending my self? Deflecting with my magical shields!)

*Jumps Out Dodging Turrents And Runs To King Terask For A Fight!* You want some? You get some!


-Leaps at you with sword in hand and tries to bash you in the head with side of the sword-


-Calls the dog whisperer and when he shows up uses him as a bat to whack the dog away with then uses him to come down on Terask's head.-


Do you have like a first name I could use?


*takes it out and puts it down yours then runs to where Pickle the Squirrel is and attempts to kill him*


-Throws ferocious negg at you and it hits you in the face while I teleport Pickle FFFFFAAAAARRRRR away-


-Slaps you with a fish- READ TEH RULES! >=(


New battlefeild, an old castle, forgotten by time. It rests in the middle of an outstretch of grass that goes on fior miles. It looks new but it is completely abandoned. The only signs that life was ever there are the knights and ghosts that can be recruited or killed. The mote has jellysquid in it so watch out! :O


*runs out the room and knocks the wall on other side so hard all the suits of armor fall on top of you*


-Rolls out of way but loses all my armor- Nice trick, but can you withstand... THIS!?!?! -Puts a magnetic feild on Tyler and throws him into the All-steel-and-iron-weaponry-that-is-very-sharp room-


*poofs away and uses my 1337 ninja powers to attack you from behind*ha! *runs into throne room*


*A brunette appears with a faerie meepit* Appear to be destroyed using GIRL POWAHS! *Throws a shower of sugar and spice and everything nice on SS, Terask and trinston who were already chained up on the wall by said faerie meepit*.


*Takes real crown out of her pocket and shatters it into a million pieces* Dum dum.....


-Sends a wall of shattered glass down the hall into the throne room just like in the 5th HP movie-


the faerie meeepit let me go because I am the Meepit Leader. *dodges the glass, takes the crown from Aiden, and runs up the tower*

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